Book Review: Disappointed with Jesus?

Title: Disappointed with Jesus?
Subtitle: Why Do So Many Young People Give up on God?
Author: Gavin Calver
Publisher: Monarch/Kregel
Date: Sept 2012
Pages: 177
ISBN: 0825460670
Category: Children’s, Youth, Youth Ministry
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Review by: Trisha Smith



It is amazing how many people keep turning away from God. And it seems those numbers are getting bigger in the lower age levels. Kids and teens are becoming more and more disenchanted by faith and are turning away. Those raised in strong Christian homes are expected to be Christians and more often than not it is these youth especially that turn away in disappoint. I loved that this book was written by someone who has been there, who knows what the youth are experiencing, who has been disappointed himself. But God is amazing and has given him so much more, including an amazing story that he is able to share through books like this. God has given him a great testimony that he has written out in this great book. It is sure to answer your questions about why youth are turning away so you can better reach them. Or it may be that you are a teenager disappointed with Jesus. This book will inspire and educate any and all that read it.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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