Interview with Disciple

By: Jessica

T4JYM: How did your group form? Did you start out together or did you pick up players along the way?

Kevin: Tim and I started playing together when we were like 12 or 13. We built a musical relationship together and felt like God had a call on our lives to do music together. About 3 years later, we began to pray for God to send us a guitar player, and around 2 weeks later we met Brad. So it was me, Brad, and Tim, for many years, and then a little over a year ago Joey joined the band to play bass for us.

T4JYM: How long have you all been together? How long has the group been in existence, not counting any possible changes in members?

Disciple: The group has been in existence since December 1992. We played our first show back in May of 1993. So we’ve been around for a little while.

T4JYM: How has this affected the group? Did it take awhile to bond? What kind of relationship do you all have now?

Disciple: Of course at first it was tough. I mean we were young teenagers. But through all that God had a plan for us to be a band together. We’ve been together for so many years now, it’s kind of like being married. We know how to handle each other in different types of situations and there is a mutual respect for each other because we know that God has purposefully placed each of us in this band.

T4JYM: What kind of equipment do you use?

Kevin: Well I just sing through a Shure SM58 wireless mice. Brad plays Gibson Les Paul guitars with Splawn Amplifier and Cabinets. Joey plays Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray and Samick basses with an Ampeg ampifier and Splawn cabinets. Tim plays Pearl drums.

T4JYM: What is the main focus in your ministry? Teens? The lost? The hurting? Why did you decide up on this as a focus?

Disciple: You know that’s a tough question. In the early days I would have said that our ministry is for mainly teens. But I have seen God touch a wide range of people from young teens to people in their 60’s or 70’s through our music. So I think our focus is to simply make the best music that we can and ask God to speak through us and give us relevant songs that would mininster to people.

T4JYM: What does your groups name mean?

Disciple: Disciple means “follower.”

T4JYM: Where did you come up with it?

Disciple: We couldn’t think of anything better when we were kids, and then we got stuck with it.

T4JYM: Where do you see the band in five years? Ten? The future?

Disciple: I see us playing unless God moves in another direction.

T4JYM: Do you ever worry about getting caught up in the world of show biz? That success will change your group?

Disciple: Yes. Pride can be a very subtle and destructive thing. It is something that everyone deals withl. I hope that God will continue to keep us humble because He can use anyone He wants that is willing to be used.

T4JYM: What kind of relationship do you maintain with your audiences? Do you fellowship with them? Or do you remain distant as the performer?

Kevin: For me it is a little bit of both. I try to always make myself available at concerts to talk to or to pray with. I think this is very important. When I am at home though, I make a conscious effort to separate myself from Disciple and spend time with my family, so I don’t spend much time on the internet or things like that because I don’t get to see my family very much.

T4JYM: How would you describe your music style?

Disciple: I would say our new cd is heavy aggressive music with a lot of hooks that you can sing along with

T4JYM: Who, or what, are your biggest musical influences?

Disciple: I grew up listening to a lot of christian rock bands like Petra and Whitecross when I was a kid. But today, I really love the musical styles of bands like Sevendust and Hoobastank and christian bands like Skillet and Pillar.

T4JYM: Are you involved in any other ministries?

Disciple: I was a music minister at my church until a couple of years ago, but now we all are doing Disciple full time.

T4JYM: How much time do you spend practicing as a group? How much time do you practice individually?

Disciple: Not enough. We practice some. Some of the guys practice more than the others individually.

T4JYM: Does the group come together for prayer at times other than concerts and ministry opportunities?

Disciple: Yes.

T4JYM: Have you always had a desire to be in a group like this?

Disciple: Actually yes. Ever since my youth pastor gave me my first christian rock album.

T4JYM: What is the latest news on your group? Any new CD’s to be released soon?

Disciple: Yes. We just finished recording a new cd. It should be out next Spring on a new record label.

T4JYM: What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened at one of your concerts?

Disciple: One of the weirdest things that seems to constantly happen is someone introducing us and asking the crowd to be real quiet. I don’t think I’ll ever understand that one.

T4JYM: What’s a band could you not live without?

Disciple: I don’t really have a band that fits that description.

T4JYM: What are your favorite bible verses?

Disciple: Proverbs 3:5,6 and Acts 4:12.

T4JYM: Do you have any advice for the youth of today?

Disciple: Love God. 1 Cor. tells that anything we do without love means nothing.

T4JYM: What people have influenced you (non-musicians)?

Disciple: John Bevere (author) and my former pastor Johnny Sweet.

T4JYM: What’s one tv show you can’t live without?

Disciple: Don’t have one of those either. But Star Wars is a movie I can’t live without.

T4JYM: If you were stranded on an island, and could only have five things, what would they be?

1 Bible
2 Some kind of band to listen to or play in
3 Books, Books, Books. Like a library.
5 A wife would pretty cool too.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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