Discipling New Believers

To this point we have covered what follow up is, what are some benefits of doing it, and a few ideas on who can do follow up. This lesson is designed to give you some ideas on what you can cover. Keep in mind these are ideas, not fully developed, that can help you in following up. Also, remember that each person is different. Some may have basic knowledge of the Bible already, others may not. The important thing is that you need to be sensitive to the needs of those you are working with.

You have decided to do the follow up on your own. You want to continue to work with the new believer you brought to the Lord and help them to grow, allowing yourself to grow in the process. But where do you start? What do you do to help them grow?

The first thing you are going to need to do is inventory their knowledge. Ask them what they know about the Bible, about Jesus, etc. Find out if they have a church that they go to or one nearby that they might be interested in going to. Help them to share what they know through asking leading questions. And find out what they’d like to know more about.

Some Ideas that you can cover:

  • Why we go to church, how to find a church, etc. (the importance of fellowship)
  • What is the Bible, what is it for, how do you use it (the importance of study)
  • What is prayer, why do we pray, how do you learn to pray (the importance of seeking God’s will)
  • Who we are in Christ

These are some basic things that should be covered first, to ensure that we are teaching new believers how to seek God and His will for their lives.

There are tons of other topics you can cover in working with a new believer, but if they are not sure who they are in Christ or where to look for answers they will become confused.

Learn what they want to know  and lead them through how to study. If you feel that they need to know something in particular teach it to them. Be sensitive to what the needs of the individual are. Don’t overwhelm them with too much information and make sure they have time to ask questions and discuss things.

About Trisha Smith 1192 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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