Women of the Word: Dorcas (Tabitha)

Dorcas (Tabitha)

Scripture References 

Acts 9:36-43

Name Meaning

Gazelle – an emblem of beauty

In Greek the name was Dorcas, while in Hebrew it was Tabitha


Her parentage and family ties are unknown


For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matt 25:35-36) The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)

As believers we have a duty to care for others. As Christians we are called to love one another. Caring for their needs is just one way we can serve our fellow believers and those in need. Our service is not meant to be works done for recognition or a requirement for salvation. It is the natural response of the grace we have received that is found in our hearts.

Dorcas/Tabitha exemplifies this heart of grace and serves as a model for Christian service. Her story is not long, but there is much to learn from this woman of God.


Dorcas resided in the seaport town of Joppa, which was a much frequented area by foreigners and traders.  She was known in the region for her acts of charity. Because of her charitable nature, the Dorcas Society (a worldwide group that exists in our times) was formed as a charitable organization.

When we are first introduced to her in Acts, we are told she was a disciple. She was a Christian believer. She likely was a member of the church that Philip had established in Joppa. She was one who readily helped those in need through her sewing skills, providing clothing for the needy. She was probably a woman of means to be able to provide for those in need.

The church in Joppa (now Jaffa) was established by Philip. From its foundation, the church was very influential in sharing the gospel and offering social services to the people of the region. Dorcas was one of many disciples mentioned by name in the New Testament.

As believers we are told we should be providing for the widows and those in need. Dorcas did just that. Each day she worked with her needle and thread to provide garments for the people of her area. Her servant’s heart is evident in the love of each stitch and the generosity in providing for others. Her good works stemmed from her heart which was full of God’s grace and love.

It is interesting that her name means gazelle. This animal is known for its beauty and grace, often used in Hebrew and Oriental writings to symbolize beauty. We don’t know if Dorcas was a beautiful woman or not, but we know her heart was beautiful and exemplified grace. There is no doubt that when people looked at her they saw Jesus and His amazing love.

It must have been a very sad day when Dorcas passed. We can imagine the love that went into preparing her body for burial. Sadly, she had no family (that we know of) to mourn her death.Instead we see that it was numerous widows who mourned for her when Peter arrived. And it was these widows that show us the love they had showered down on them by Dorcas as they showed Peter all she had given them, weeping for their dear benefactor. .

Why the disciples sought out Peter is also not known. But they sent for him immediately when they learned he was in the area. Did they send for him in hopes of something miraculous or was it simply to have him perform burial rites? We can only speculate.

But Peter did the miraculous. He knelt beside her still form and sought the Lord. He lifted his prayers to heaven and then said the most simple yet amazing words – Tabitha, get up. And she did, Dorcas was raised from the dead, resurrected and alive once more to continue her service and good deeds.

Can you imagine the tears of joy that greeted her upon going back downstairs? It must have been awe inspiring because it quickly spread and became known all over Joppa. And the result? Many people believed in the Lord.

We can only dare but speculate as to what Dorcas felt upon hearing what had happened and how. People probably flocked to her to hear her story firsthand. What an amazing evangelistic opportunity she had! Not only could she continue to serve and provide, but the power of her testimony must have been indescribable.


Dorcas did not aspire to be a leader in the church. She did not serve to gain favor with others. She did not provide for others to get recognition or accolades. She worked with a heart full of grace and love. Her heart was poured out through the work of her hands and the love in her words.

Is your life demonstrating the love within you? Are you giving of yourself, your livelihood, your heart, to care for others? There is so much we learn from this woman of grace. She serves as a model of living for Jesus, a lesson we should all consider personally.

About Trisha Smith 1170 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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