Do’s and Don’ts of Witnessing

When Sharing…..


  • Make sure you have your own devotional time with the Lord before you minister.
  • Have a genuine love.
  • Listen attentively.
  • Pray for wisdom and discernment
  • Believe that God will lead you to the right person.
  • Have basic scriptures with their references readily available.
  • Read your Bible.
  • If you can, get a Bible program that you can cut and paste scriptures at appropriate times.
  • Know what you believe.
  • Give your own testimony when you can.
  • Memorize appropriate Scriptures if possible.
  • Remember that God’s Word will never return to you void.
  • Avoid answering the telephone and other similar distractions at this time.
  • Keep a list of email names with as much information as you have on them so you can remember to follow up with little inspirational notes from time to time.
  • Speak to please God.
  • Start with a positive witness for Christ.
  • Enter a conversation with an open heart, asking God to lead you.
  • Keep things simple.
  • Try to understand others beliefs before you begin to try to share your own.
  • Define your terms.
  • Be ready to learn from the people you witness to.
  • Be patient and gentle.
  • Give them a chance to talk as well and ask questions.
  • Answer their questions.
  • Ask questions.
  • Bring them, if possible, to a decision about Jesus.
  • Encourage them to study the Bible.
  • Use Scripture in context.
  • Remember that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).
  • Be prepared in advance with resources to point them to if needed.
  • Take your time
  • Offer to get back to them if you don’t know an answer
  • Continue to pray for God to work in them after you share.
  • Praise God that He used you to plant seeds.
  • Pray that He would put others in their path to water those seeds.

Do Not:

  • Pass up an opportunity to pray with someone.
  • Talk about denominational differences; focus on the Cross.
  • When you have a strong sense inside that it’s time to move on, don’t let your mind take over and end up wasting time. Let God work on their hearts.
  • Get drawn in by someone who asks controversial questions constantly.
  • Give out any more information on yourself than what is appropriate.
  • Use theological words; be simple.
  • Give in to the voice that tells you that you are not making a difference.
  • Rush them.
  • Argue
  • Share your opinions; stick to the Gospel.
  • Pretend to know all the answers; people will appreciate you for that.
  • Compromise on the Gospel.
  • Attack directly or make fun of someone.
  • Jump from one subject to another.
  • Expect too much from him.
  • Lose patience.
  • Come on too strong.
  • Debate peripheral issues or doctrines.
  • Get sidetracked defending your denomination.
  • Be uptight.
  • Assume.
  • Speak unclearly.
  • Force your views on others.
  • Go into witnessing without first praying.
  • Overwhelm them with post after post.
  • Be disappointed if they don’t pray to receive Christ as their Savior immediately.
About Trisha Smith 821 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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