Ecclesiastes 3:1 Devotional

by Robin Jennings

Ecclesiastes 3:1 “There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven.”

March winds. Robins on the front lawn. Budding trees. Excitement brewing in the fresh crisp air. Its springtime! Alas, the long awaited season for new growth has arrived!

Nestling in of winter is past. Slumber is far-gone. Dormancy is over. The growing world slowly stretches forward with new life. The lilac bud awakens. Ever so slowly it opens into a beautiful lavender flower, testifying of the season. Its sweet smelling aroma fills the spring air. The caterpillar in the cocoon brings forth a flittering butterfly. New life is emerging. The winter was long, hard, bitter. Never the less, the landscape slowly is changing. The gardener is invigorated. His love for the garden is exploded forth into plans of beautiful flowers, scented walkways, garden paths, and warm sunshine. So, so, much to do. Preparation will be essential. Planning crucial. Plants, bushes, trees, flowers, benches, gazing balls, window boxes, birdhouses, must be carefully chosen. Tools must be sharpened. The potting shed cleaned out. The ground prepared. Soil turned. Pruning accomplished. Hard work lay ahead. It will take long hard laborious hours. Many challenges. Sweat on the brow. What seeds to choose? Perseverance is a must to attain the goal of germination, new growth. A thought is pondered. The creator. The Master Gardener. His careful planning, cultivation, pruning, turning the soils, planning the days ahead of my life, brings forth new growth. The landscape of my life slowly changes as he plants new seeds.

The tulips are poking their heads out of the ground. Reaching, struggling, pushing, through the yet cold, crusty winter spent dirt. The tips are somewhat scarred from the fight. Relentlessly they continue to grow, reaching towards the sunlight. Moving slowly towards the goal. A few more rough days here and there. Perhaps some wind trying to break the long-necked stems maybe a cold spell or two. All to make the tulip stronger, more determined to grow. More eager to shine in its hour. The hard days will pass. The days will grow warmer; spring showers will softly sprinkle a blessing from heaven. The goal is near. The tulip is ready. The flower appears in its entire splendor. Its brilliant color explodes forth on the landscape. Eyes gaze upon it. The creator is glorified. Don’t ever quit growing. It sometimes hurts. Strong winds will come. Cold cloudy days may lie at wait. Storms will brew. Scars can appear. Don’t forget your days have been orchestrated deliberately to force growth. It’s up to you to submit to the elements. Don’t fight against them. Embrace the opportunity for growth. Let them do their refining work.

Let Him teach and grow you. Pray for wisdom, as the book of James has taught us to do. Through struggle comes growth. Hang on to the Master Gardener, he will never give anything you cannot handle. He will turn the soils, Poke your head out of the crusty dirt and spring forth into new life. Humble yourself insight of the Lord, and he will lift you up. He will sharpen the tools, He will prune you. He wants you to reach and look upward towards His Son. Its up to you how long it takes. He will continue to cultivate you until you are learned. So listen. Let Him grow you into the long awaited flower of His dreams. And when you are ready, and the Maker of the spring shower has sprinkled his blessing upon you, you will shine as the bright spring flower. The dying world will look at you in wonder, and if you allow, our Lord and Savior will be glorified. The goal is reached. The work completed. Quiet. I think I hear the sound of a spring shower.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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