Interview with Author Elisabeth Corcoran

Author of Calm in My Chaos:
Encouragement for a Mom’s Weary Soul

By Trisha Bleau Smith

T4JYM: I was greatly inspired and touched by the words of Calm in My Chaos. Where did the idea and the inspiration for the book come from? How has it been received by the public?

EC: The inspiration came after I had my second child and felt pretty overwhelmed. I knew I needed some good reading to tell me I was going to be able to remain sane during these early childrearing years, and when I couldn’t really find any, I realized there was a need – a niche for reality-based encouragement for moms.

It’s been received well. I hear comments back quite frequently of women telling me that my book has been just what they needed to get through and to stay connected to God when they thought they just didn’t have the time or energy to do so.

T4JYM: What are your next plans for writing?

EC: I am working on my second book of devotions, but as with the first book – finding a publisher is much more challenging than the actual writing process.

T4JYM: What training do you have in writing? Do you consider yourself to be a good writer with a God given talent? Or did you have to work to get to where you are now, taking classes on writing and such?

EC: Ooo, good question. I have always loved to write, but I believe when I accepted Christ, that the Spirit sort of charged me a bit in this area, began to empower my ability as well as my opportunities to use this gift for the Kingdom. At the same time, I do try to sharpen my skills by writing as much as I can and I have taken a couple courses.

T4JYM: How many times did you find your work was sent back to you before it was finally accepted by a publisher? Did they give you feedback when it came back to you?

EC: Publishing my book was a lesson in perseverance, to be sure. I had 53 rejections prior to my contract. The bad news – that was a long wait and much rejection to swallow. The good news – they all sent back really good feedback…the reason of rejection was usually a timing issue or it wasn’t a good fit with their normal material, not my skill level.

Lesson learned: had I told myself that I’d stop trying after 10 rejections or 20 rejections…or even 50!…I wouldn’t be published today. So – as long as you feel that God has allowed you to spend your time pursuing a dream, as long as you feel it is a God-given dream, keep at it.

T4JYM: Do you get a lot of feedback from the public? Do you respond to the people who contact you about your works?

EC: I get some feedback. My e-mail address is in the back of the book, and I have saved the letters I get from readers. I read over them when I’m struggling with the publishing process – it is sort of my fuel to keep going. And up to this point, I have always e-mailed back.

T4JYM: What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing writing as a career?

EC: You know you’re a writer when you find yourself needing to write…you’re a journal keeper, a letter writer, an e-mail junkie…when you find that writing is how you figure out life… If you love to write and you feel you have some lessons of faith to share that could encourage others down the path, then by all means, pray, pray, pray; write, write, write; and just start.

About Trisha Smith 1159 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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