Book Review: The End Times Controversy

Title:  The End Times Controversy
Subtitle: The Second Coming Under Attack
Authors:  Tim LaHaye, Thomas Ice
Publisher:  Harvest House
Date:  April 2003
Pages: 464
ISBN: ‎ 0736909532
Category: Reference, Bible Studies, Prophecy,  End Times, Eschatology
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Review by: Trisha Smith



For many people, understanding Biblical prophecy and the End Times is daunting. I have always found it confusing myself. But I trust author Tim LaHaye so picked up this book ready to dig in and learn more. I found it to be a bit more challenging than other books on prophecy that I have read and have on my shelves, but not so much that I couldn’t understand. I just had to go a bit slower and had to re-read some of the sections when I didn’t feel I fully understood. There were a lot of terms I have heard before but had to stop and look them up to be certain I had the right idea. For example, some of the terms include eschatology, exegesis, preterist, plus more.  This is a more academic book, at least more so than many of the books I have read on the subject, but though it is a tad challenging due to the style, it still was informative, and I found myself learning new concepts. I appreciated the amount of reference support provided for each chapter, both religious as well as secular. It is an excellent reference for anyone interested in learning more about Bible prophecy and the end times.

About Trisha Smith 1125 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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