Book Review: Essays on Premillennialism

Title: Essays on Premillennialism
Subtitle: A Modern Reaffirmation of an Ancient Doctrine
Authors: K. Neill Foster, David E. Fessenden
Publisher: Wingspread Pub
Date: May 2002
Pages: 197
ISBN: 0875099645
Reference, Eschatology, End Times
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Review by: Trisha Smith




Being a premillennialist myself, in my thinking and beliefs, in the way I was raised, I was anxious to read this book. I wanted to read the various essays by the different scholars and students of premillennialism, those for and against, to see what they had to say. Having been raised with a belief and knowing the Scriptures that back it up, I was ready to see what others had to say, to see if their essays were biblically founded or was it simply oral doctrine, passed on from age to age? I was pleased to see that there was a variety of essays that gave readers various views over time. There were historical considerations covered that looked at the early church and the reformation times. There were modern essays explaining more current considerations. And then there were essays that covered future considerations like the Tribulation, Armageddon, and Judgment. I learned some new points from this book but found the approach – the different essays – a bit boring to my liking. But it was still informative. I found I did learn more about premillennialism from reading this book.


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