Aim: To look at why we engage in evangelism and more often, why we do not.

Objectives: At the end of the session the group should:

  • Be able to begin to give reasoned arguments as to why Christians should be involved in evangelism.
  • Be able to explain why they should be involved and examine their motives for being involved.
  • Be able to understand some of the excuses people give for not getting involved and give reasons why these arguments are wrong (if they are.)

Personally Speaking…Adrian’s Story
In the last ‘Personally Speaking’ I wrote about some of my experiences of evangelism. A lot of the time my efforts have been more of the ‘not done it’ variety than the ‘done it’ kind. At one time or another I have used all of the excuses listed in this session for not witnessing. If I’m honest the one I use most is the ‘I’m not extrovert enough, I’m to shy’. Anyone who has done a Myers-Briggs personality test will know that you come as out as either an introvert or an extrovert. (amongst other things.) I am an introvert, for me this means I would rather observe than be involved, listen rather than talk, hide in a corner rather than be seen. It is a lame excuse, for me at least. Having made my excuses I then get crippled with guilt – not a good tool for evangelism.

There is always someone more outgoing and confident than me but I still need to get on with my part. The hope is that this session will give good, Biblical reasons for getting involved without falling into the trap of guilt tripping those who are like me and think up every excuse under the sun for not doing it. Paul, in Romans, says that there is ‘no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus’. This is not an excuse to avoid doing the things we should do but is an assurance that when we do mess up, make mistakes and otherwise turn things pear shaped, Jesus will not give up on us. With repentance comes forgiveness and the voice of Jesus saying “Give it another go.”

The Session:

  • How often have you been told to do something without being told why?
  • Quite often the ‘Great Commission’ is used in churches in a “it says it so go and do it and don’t ask questions” kind of way.
  • In this session we are going to look at reasons why we should be getting into evangelism.
  • Last time we looked at What, this time we are looking at Why.

Warming Up – Why do you…
To start off this session the group are going to spend some time making up excuses! You will need to choose three volunteers. After the first three have been chosen more may come forwards to have a go. The rest of the group will make up the judging panel. Give the volunteers any one of the following statements (Feel free to add your own!) and ask them, in 30 seconds or less, to give an excuse.

It can be as ludicrous as they like.

They are to go one after another. After all three have given their excuses the rest of the group may confer and decide who they think gave the best excuse. Run the game for as long as you have volunteers. Try and get everyone to have a go (including any other leaders, have a go yourself….then again.) If they don’t do or haven’t done the thing asked, they should imagine that they have!

The questions:

  • Why is your brother buried in the plant pot?
  • Why have you dyed your hair green?
  • Why haven’t you tidied your room?
  • Why do you wear those yellow trousers?
  • Why does your cat have no hair?

Over To You – Objections
Spilt the group into pairs or small groups. Using the ‘Objections’ handout, ask the groups to choose one of the views on the sheet. When they have chosen a view they should prepare an answer to give to someone who may have this objection for real. They will need bible verses to back up what they say. This is quite tough so be prepared to help.

Some useful sources:

  • 2 Peter 3:15
  • 2 Timothy 4:1-2
  • 1 Thessalonians 2:6-8.

The Biblical Perspective – Because…
What motivates us to do evangelism? Do we get involved because of a command or because we want to share our faith. Or is it through guilt and fear of what others will think of us if we don’t?

Give out the following verses to the group and ask individuals to read them out. The question to be asked is “How and why do these passages motivate us to evangelism?” They should sum up their answer with a statement beginning “Because…”

The verses and possible answers

  • John 3:16 – Because God is a God of Love.
  • 2 Corinthians 5:10 – Because of the Judgment of Christ that all will have to stand before.
  • Romans 1:16 – Because it is the power of God for salvation.
  • 2 Peter 3:9 – Because God is not willing that any be lost.
  • Matthew 28:16-20 – Because he has commanded us to ‘go into all the world…..’

Finally – Because of what God has done for me – this bit is followed up further in the session on testimony in session 7.

Ask the group how their “Becauses” make them feel. Do they encourage them or worry them? Are they a source of motivation or de-motivation? Allow the group to share their fears or their enthusiasm for evangelism.

Pulling It Together
This session has looked at the reasons we should be evangelising. The best motivation for us to evangelise is because we are compelled to because of what Jesus has done in our own lives. If Jesus hadn’t found us and loved us we would not be in a position to share the news. However, our motives are important when it comes to evangelism. Guilt, much too often, is the only motivator for people, also a de-motivator! God does not want us to be telling people about him out of fear of the consequences for us. Maybe we should have a healthy fear of the consequences for them if we don’t tell but this still should not lead to guilt.

Course Index | Session 3