The whole aim of Who? Me? an Evangelist is to challenge, without threatening, those who think about beginning to share and to encourage and begin equipping them to be doing it in their current situations.
By the end of the course those who have taken part should:
- Be able to explain what evangelism is.
- Be able to explain why we do evangelism and why quite often we don’t.
- Know how to tell the Gospel simply and clearly.
- Be aware of the importance of prayer in evangelism.
- Be aware of how their lifestyle affects their witness.
- Have a grasp of basic apologetics.
- Have thought about their personal testimonies and how they can be best used.
The course runs over ten sessions. Each session should take about one hour to complete.
Who? Me? an Evangelist is by no means the last word on evangelism for Christians! I am learning as time goes on that evangelism is about relationships rather than programs. So, I have agonized over the value of a course that gives a series of lessons and things to do.
Completing this course doesn’t make you an evangelist. Having friends and talking to them about Jesus does! That, hopefully, is why this course is useful – it gives some background to how we can act in our everyday relationships. This is still just one course that people may find useful. Not all of it will suit you or the people you may use the course with. Don’t worry! Take the good bits and chuck the rest.
Course Index | Before You Begin