Women of the Word: Eve

by Trisha Bleau Smith

Scriptural References:
Genesis 2; Genesis 3; 2 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Timothy 2:13

Name Meaning:
life, lifegiving, or the mother of all who have life

Family Connections

Wife of Adam

Mother of Cain & Abel, Seth, and other sons and daughters not named (Genesis 5:4)

Eve. The first woman. The first wife. The first mother. Eve is the first of many firsts. Through studying her we see God’s will for women. This study seeks to show us what a special place woman has

In the beginning God created… The first book of the Bible reveals wonder upon wonder to those who seek to know more. But none is more intriguing to learn about than the woman He created. She was complete, perfect. She is the only woman ever to be created and not born.

The book Every Woman in the Bible by Sue and Larry Richards gives this view of men and women on pg 4. “What we are to always remember as we look into Scripture’s teaching on women is that women, equally with men, have been gifted by God with His own image-likeness. The women we meet in Scripture display these gifts just as clearly as do the male heroes of our faith. In ESSENCE men and women are the same.”

Genesis 1:27 says “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” In this verse we see that God created man. Man in this usage is general, referring to mankind. Genesis 5:2 also shows that He called them man. The word used is the same as the name given to the first man. But the verse goes on saying “male and female He created them.”

Eve was created FOR Adam, not as a doormat or a slave, but as a helper. We see Eve called a helpmeet in some versions, a helper in others. The Hebrew word is ezer knegdu, and is literally translated “helper corresponding to him.” Ezer means a help, a support, an assistant. Interestingly it is the same root that is used to speak of God when He is called a helper of the nations, a helper of individuals. This shows us that woman is a helper, not a doormat.

Matthew Henry states: “The woman was not made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him; but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.” Thus, priority of creation gave Adam headship but not superiority. Both man and woman were endowed for equality and for mutual interdependence.

In the beginning Eve shared the name of her husband until after their sins. After they had sinned Adam gave her the name Eve. In Old Testament times a change of name held great significance and usually followed a great change. Eve was given her name in Genesis 3:20.

Eve was the mother of all firsts

Let’s take a little time now to examine some of the firsts Eve experienced.

  • First Woman – no other woman existed before Eve.
  • First Wife – God said it was not good that man be alone. Thus He created woman as a suitable helper and companion.
  • First and only woman without sin – Eve was created pure and innocent (Genesis 2:22)
  • First to be tempted by Satan – Eve was not told outright to sin, but was deceived. It was just the thought that was placed into her head. But it gave birth to sin (Genesis 3)
  • First temptress? – Some books and studies refer to Eve as being the first temptress. The term has negative connotations and often refers to sexual temptation. It is said that Eve tempted her husband to eat and he took of the fruit and ate. (Genesis 3:17)
  • First Sinner – Eve was deceived by the Serpent. She chose to eat and gave her husband, thus sin was born. (Genesis 3)
  • First to feel guilt – She and Adam were the first to feel guilt for their actions and attempted to hide from God. (But God sees all we do. There is no hiding from His eyes.) (Genesis 3:8)
  • First to be blamed – Adam blamed Eve. (Genesis 3:12)
  • First to try to defend herself – She in turn blamed the Serpent and tried to explain it away (Genesis 3:13)
  • First Mother – Eve was the first mother. She has three sons that are named: Cain, Abel, and Seth. She also had many other children (Genesis 5:4)
  • First to grieve death – She lost her son Abel to her son Cain’s rage and jealousy. Then her son Cain was sent away for his crime. Seth was given to her after this, but we are sure that as any mother would, she grieved for her children.
  • First to receive the prophecy of the cross – In the curses God gives we see the promise of redemption (Genesis 3:15)

The consequences of Eve’s sins were spread to all women. They are:

  • Physical – increased pain in childbearing
  • Psychological – a woman’s desire is for her husband. She has a longing for approval, to please. This is the “rule” man has over women, not lordship.
  • Spiritual – shifting desire from God to man. Women have lost sight of the purpose God created them for through this shift.


Eve was the first of many things, created for man and created for a purpose. Her life is an example to women of today, showing them God’s plan for women, whether it be in marriage, parenting, or simply as women. Though Eve’s actions led her husband to sin, thus allowing sin to enter the world, God has a plan for our redemption, and that plan is Jesus.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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