Doing Everything for Christ – Part 4

Keeping It Cool – When You Have Had Enough
By: Mandy Hughett

Are you sick of school? Maybe work? Are you totally stressed out? Well, I know lately I have been! I am sick with almost everything. School, colleges, temptation, and so much more. Because of this, I have been stressed out and seem to be more flat out. God is testing me. He is teaching me about patience and keeping my mouth shut when I have something unnecessary to say.

You may have felt like this at one time or are feeling like it now. Well there is good news. You definitely are not alone and what we are going through is perfectly normal! Everyone in the ENTIRE world gets stressed at some point or another. The Bible tells us that God will test us. But He will NEVER give us more than we can handle. Although at times, it may seem like we wont get through it. But God is with us, all the time. And through Him, we can get through anything!

Are you in a trial right at this moment? Well here is some advice to help you get through it.

PRAY: God wants to hear from you! After all, He is YOUR creator! Talk to Him and let Him know what you are going through!

PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Huge reliever! Spend time with God. Put some music on that glorifies God and praise Him. You know He is worthy of it! Plus, it will help you release some of that stress that is binding you from doing many wonderful things!

DO NOT WORRY: God is with you and He told us not to worry. While in your quiet or spare time, look up these Bible verses: Matthew 6:25 and Matthew 6:31-34. If you do not own a Bible, you can look them up at

DO NOT GIVE UP: Please, dont give up. I know at times this may seem to be the easiest way out of what you are going through. But it is also one of the worst ways to get out of it. You can get through it! It may take awhile, I am not in any way saying it will only take you a little bit of time. And it is likely going to be hard! But have faith!

ACCOUNTABILITY: This you have probably heard before. And I understand how hard it can be to find an accountability partner. Depending on what you are going through, it may seem almost impossible. Maybe you dont want to admit what you are going through. But it is important to tell someone about it. Not just someone, but a believer. This way, they can pray for you and keep you accountable.

IT IS WORTH IT: Have you ever questioned whether or not getting through your struggles is worth it? I know I have many times. Temptation is a strong feeling, and at times I wonder if not falling into it is worth it, even though I know it is. God has a great reward for us in heaven, and it will be worth all the hard times we go through here on earth.

Remember that.

This is the end of the Doing Everything For Christ series. I hope you all enjoyed reading them! God bless you!

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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