Book Review: Examine the Evidence

Title:  Examine the Evidence
Subtitle: Exploring the Case for Christianity
Author:  Ralph O. Muncaster
Publisher:  Harvest House
Date:  October 2004
Pages: 608
ISBN: 0736912959
Category: Apologetics, Christian Living, Reference
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Review by: Trisha Smith




This is an amazing book! I was very impressed by it, finding each page full of undisputed evidence to the Christian faith. Author Ralph Muncaster was an atheist and skeptic which helped him write a very convincing, well supported book that Christians can use to strengthen their own beliefs and understanding and that non-believers can read to address any questions they have. Muncaster’s background as a skeptic gave him insight into how non-believers think, the kinds of questions they have, as well as the challenges they might pose to a believer who is trying to share the Gospel with them. Scattered throughout the text are fascinating facts and key concepts that further support the text. In addition, there are easy to follow charts and informative church and history timelines. But the things I enjoyed the most were the ends of each chapter where there were questions to test yourself to see if you understood the chapter as well as to reinforce points made. Plus, there are group study activities that you can use to explore concepts with others. This is a valuable resource tool that is full of in-depth evidence that validates claims – from science, history, archeology and so on.  A must read for anyone seeking a deeper walk with God or those with questions about Christianity and the Bible.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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