Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus

By: Jennifer Jenkins

Scripture to Read: Matthew 14:22-32

If you look at this scripture very carefully and think about it. You find out that Peter lacked faith. He started to doubt because he saw the wind and the waves and he got scared.

We can be so in touch with Christ and then we get distracted by worldly things(wind and waves). Applying this to our own lives: It’s really easy to get distracted by worldly things and then when something bad happens we tend to take our eyes totally off the Lord and start doubting Christ’s ability to handle things.

Like Jesus did for Peter he will reach out and catch us before we drown. If we cry out to him and ask him for help.

That’s so true in my own life because I had faith in Christ but when Major Terry died I pulled my eyes off the Lord and started doubting God’s ability to take care of things. I was basically telling the Lord that he wasn’t big enough to handle my troubles.

I started asking people around me why I felt so overwhelmed with problems and their response was because I wasn’t taking things to the Lord and having faith in him to handle them.

Slowly I started to realize that all those people where right. And well I realize that no matter what I could have done I couldn’t have stopped Major Terry from walking in front of that truck. I realize now that it’s not my fault that he died.

Corwyn told me about Katie’s friend that lost her twin boys and had to give birth to two still born babies. And still that lady stayed strong and drew closer to the Lord. From Corwyn telling me about that I realized that Major Terry’s death is sad but at least he had a life before he died. I mean those boys didn’t even have a chance to get to know God and live on earth.

What am I trying to say well I’m saying that we all need to keep our eyes on the Lord and quit complaining and allowing little things around us like the wind and the waves to pull our eyes off the Lord. To totally have faith in Jesus Christ. It says in Hebrews 11:6 Without faith it’s impossible to please God because anyone who come to him must believe he exists and he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

About Trisha Smith 1127 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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