
By: Jacob Schweda

Matthew 26:28
This is my blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

If there is one thing that is obvious to most throughout the Bible it’s forgiveness. Turn to almost every chapter in the New Testament and you will hear of a disciple bringing the misguided to repentance to receive forgiveness or John the Baptist covering people with water and forgiving their sins with the power of the magnificent Holy Spirit. In Biblical times this meant (usually) a life changing experience for the forgiven, a drive to try to serve God in a humble and microscopic way to thank and glorify him for all his mercy.

Though not all realise it, that same forgiveness is still around today. To receive it, it doesn’t matter how often you go to Church or how many courses of Theology and Doctrinal Policy you’ve taken in University. It is one of (if not the) easiest gifts and blessings to receive in the world. All we have to do, to have every single one of our sins and iniquities forgiven is to ask. To truly, honestly and with all our heart desire to be forgiven.

This above all is what should humble us all. Countless prophets, martyrs and followers of Christ have expressed this important message for thousands of years. Although the deliverance of the message varies with the times, it has remained the same! God forgives all. It doesn’t matter what lifestyle you’ve lived, who your friends are or what terrible things you’ve done. What God wants is for none to perish. He wants to forgive the street worker in the bad part of town just as much as the wealthy philanthropic Minister who lives in a quaint suburb.

For those of us out there who’ve already found our faith, we’ve experienced first hand how freeing it can be to feel this sense of forgiveness. The worldly scientific community cannot debate the fact that stress leads to many serious, and some fatal, diseases and disorders. What is more stressful than the fear and apprehension of spending the rest of eternity in the fiery pits of Hell? A world utterly devoid of God’s grace? It thus makes sense that knowing you’re saved from that and the drowning burden of guilt, would save you from a host of problems mentally, physically and spiritually. Christ died, bled and suffered on the Cross to act as a perfect sacrifice. He died to allow us to live. Before Him, every sin had to be compensated but now we offer our praise and worship and in exchange we receive more then we could ever earn. The knowledge and wisdom that the absolutely most powerful being in existence, finds it within his heart to look past our sins.

Who are we, mere human beings, to do otherwise?


About Trisha Smith 1159 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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