Book Review: Freedom

Title: Freedom
Subtitle: 8 Steps to Healing and Transformation
Author:  Dr. Jason Hanash
Publisher:  Arrows and Stones
Date:  2023
Pages: 184
ISBN: 978-1-960678-57-7
Category: Christian Living
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Review by: Trisha Smith


This year our church adopted the theme of freedom. It became a church wide goal and one for a majority of the members. Pastor Dr. Jason Hanash released his book at the end of 2023 with it being delivered to most members early January 2024 and it has helped countless members of the church to let go of strongholds in their lives and to break generational curses that have been holding them back from the life they want. And it can do the same for you! Whether read alone or completed alongside the companion study guide, you will find information and tools to guide you in claiing a life of freedom in Christ. Among the things you will let go of through the steps in this book are breaking the bonds of generational curses, letting go of past sins that have become a part of your identity, release from cultural pressures, and so much more. Pastor Jason writes in an easy to read style that guides readers from one key point to another. Let him take you on a journey of breaking the strongholds in your life that are keeping you in bondage and preventing you from going deeper in your spiritual walk with God. If you are in need of some bondage breaking and are unsure of where to begin or what may even be holding you captive, this book can help. It is not a long book, but it is full of applicable ideas that you can easily begin implementing from day one of reading. It is definitely a book every Christian should read.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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