Book Review: Freedom Study Guide

Title: Freedom Study Guide
Subtitle: 8 Steps to Healing and Transformation
Author:  Dr. Jason Hanash
Publisher:  Arrows and Stones
Date:  2023
Pages: 40
ISBN: 978-1-960678-58-4
Category: Christian Living
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Review by: Trisha Smith


This is the companion study guide that goes along with the book by the same name, written by Pastor Dr. Jason Hanash of Discovery Church in Bakersfield, California. It is a short, yet powerful guide that walks you through each of the components in the book and allows you to make real life connections, apply the principles, and be freed from the bonds holding you captive. Each section is short – only a few pages each, with a handful of leading questions. Not only does he have you thinking about what he has written in each chapter of the book, but he also has you in the Word, reading Scriptures and consdering what God has to say abou the content being explored. For example, a question asked that comes directly after a Scriptural passage that was included for one of the chapters is, “How can you apply the truth of this verse to your life?” Through simple questions like this, the reader is able to take concepts learned in the book and the truth of God’s Word and apply them to their own life. The only downfall of this study guide is the fact it cannot be used as a standalone learning tool. It must be done in conjunction with the main book. The study guide is meant to enhance the concepts learned in the book and to take them and apply them in one’s own life, allowing you to see how to be free. A simple, yet power packed companion guide to a must read bok. I recommend that you not skip the guide, opting to only read the book. Use both of them side by side and maximize the impact of the learning in store for you.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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