
By: Mandy Hughett

How many friends do you have?

OK, now that you have thought about that…lets rephrase this question. How many REAL friends do you have?

Definition of real friend: someone you can trust, rely on, count on to listen and understand. Be able to tell them anything. HONEST

Most likely, you dont have many real friends. Maybe you do, and by all means, thats great. But not many people do. Everyone needs a real friend. Everyone needs someone to listen and understand. How many times have you lied to your friends? Now be honest, if someone asked you how their hair looked or how their clothes looked, and you thought it was UGLY…what did
you say? did you tell them that it didnt look to good? or did you say… Its ok, but I think you should change it?

I want a friend that would tell me the truth. That is HONEST. I want someone to tell me if my hair looks stupid or I have something stuck to me… or something embarrasing.

If your best friend liked your boyfriend or girlfriend… would you trust the two alone? Would YOU trust your BEST FRIEND? If the answer was no, is that a best friend?

There is one friend we all have. One that will always be there for us. In the thick and thin. When we are happy and when we are sad. When we are angry and when we think we are alone. He will always be there. We can count on Him for everything. We can trust Him all the time. We can tell him ANYTHING… because He is our true friend. Now who am I talking about? Well being in a Christian club I am sure you can guess…. well GOD of course!!

God is a true friend to us…now its our turn to be a real friend to those who need us to listen and understand.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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