Book Review: You’re Going to Be My Mom!

Title: You’re Going to Be My Mom!
Author: Astrid Rivera
Publisher: Wingspread
Date: July 2007
Pages: 128
ISBN: 1600661564
Category: Devotions, Pregnancy, Parenting
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Review by: Trisha Smith



Sometimes I look back on events in my own life after reading books like this and I think, “Where was that when I needed it?” That was the case with this book as I read through it, recalling my own pregnancy and changes that my body went through. I needed a book like this that brought God in to every moment of my pregnancy. I prayed for a healthy baby, an easy delivery, and all of the other things a mom prays for but I did not stop to praise God for the experience I was having, to thank Him for what He was doing within me, and through me – I simply prayed for my child and its birth, absolutely ignoring the entire 9 months leading up to it! I now realize that after reading this devotional. I do wish I had read a book like this alongside all of those other pregnancy and your body books that I was devouring. None of the other books were Christian based, so I needed a devotional like this to focus me and help me thank God for the wonderful work He was doing. There is wonderful information in this book, from a medical doctor and not just another woman. It is well written and has great information. It would make an excellent gift for an expecting mother.

About Trisha Smith 1194 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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