By: Sarah Nutter

John 6:43 “Stop grumbling among yourselves,” Jesus answered.

I love it when I read self-explanatory verses. It’s like, all there. But work with me for a minute.

First of all, let’s talk about that word. “Grumble.” You don’t really hear that one very much anymore. Your mom doesn’t say, “Hey, quit grumbling!” Today it’s more like, “Quit complaining… gossiping… whining.. nagging,” whatever.

In John 6:43, Jesus reprimanded the Jews. They had just questioned how he could really be “sent from heaven” when they knew his earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, and were there for his birth.

I think it’s interesting that Jesus told them to stop “grumbling” among themselves. He didn’t say, “Stop questioning my authority and origin.” He didn’t say, “Stop doubting.” He didn’t even say, “Quit talking about me behind my back.” He said, “Stop grumbling.”

Why did Jesus choose that word?

Well, maybe the Hebrew word Jesus actually used can be translated different ways. So I checked it out. The NIV says, “grumble.” So does the NASB. The New Living Bible says “complain.” The King James, Living Bible, New King James, and Revised Standard versions all say, “murmur.”

Well, that narrows it down some. Jesus was talking about gossiping. Complaining. Grumbling.

I have a HUGE problem with this. Not only do I complain all the time, but I gossip too. So a direct command NOT to do those things really hits me hard. I mean, I know it’s wrong to complain and gossip, obviously, but I really hate DIRECT commands against it. For some reason, it’s stronger that way.

This past Christmas I sat with a friend at a musical. We talked about a guy we hadn’t seen in a few years, about how he definitely could have used a haircut…and a shower. For some reason, I happened to feel a jolt in my gut. I turned around. The guy we were talking about was sitting RIGHT BEHIND US. Well that really gets the blood pumping, doesn’t it. Fortunately, he was in a deep conversation with his friend about politics or something, so we knew he hadn’t heard us.


Jesus heard the Jews talking about him. They didn’t even try to hide their comments from him.

And they got TOLD.

Jesus really put them in their place, goin’ off on this big tangent about how he’s the ONLY way to get to the Father, and to heaven, too. That got those guys quiet in a hurry.

Have you ever been caught gossiping? Have you ever complained about something, and then whoever you were talking to completely put you in your place? I HAVE.

Jesus said don’t grumble. And He is God. Not to mention that He’s the only way to get to heaven. We may want to listen.

God, sometimes we need You to tell it like it is, just like in John 6:43. Please help us to listen and obey, and to keep up a good attitude while we’re doing it. Keep us accountable. Amen

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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