Book Review: Growing Your Faith by Giving it Away

Title: Growing Your Faith by Giving it Away
Subtitle: Telling the Gospel Story with Grace and Passion
Author: R. York Moore
Publisher: IV Press
Date: July 2005
Pages: 184
ISBN: 0830832629
Evangelism,  Theology
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Review by: Trisha Smith




One of the things I know as a teacher is the more you teach the more you learn. You have to know what you are sharing in order to share it and as you share you meet people with new questions that make you dig deeper yet to respond…. Forcing you to learn more. And the same is true about faith. You have to know what you believe I you are going to share it and as you share it your faith is strengthened as you reaffirm things and explain it to others. There is no better way to light a fire in your heart than to stir up the embers of faith in sharing. Give your faith to others and watch it come back on you tenfold. This book shows you that and shows you how to step out and share. It encouraged me to get involved in outreach once again, motivating me to be more active in sharing my faith. I know how much your faith can grow from sharing, though it is not a quick thing or an overnight change from blackslidden to super Christian. But this is a great book to use for evangelism training and preparation.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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