Written and Compiled By: Daniel Spratlin
(Former Staff Member)

We usually think of the Bible as one book. That’s logical because it looks like one book and claims to come from one Author. We also speak of it as God’s Word. But when we read and study the Bible, we discover that it is actually an entire library between two covers. Not one book, but 66 (39 in the Old Testament; 27 in the New Testament)! Each book has its own style and uniqeness-yet each book contributes to the message God wants to get across with the whole Bible. What’s more, though we use the word book, some parts of the Bible are letters (like Paul’s letter to the Romans) or collections (like the Psalms). Still, the overall message of the Bible is one message because it has one main Author-God. The reason the styles throughout the Bible vary is because God teamed up with dozens of people to write His Word.

There are many plans to help you read through the Bible. You can even start at page one and read straight through. The approach that I have taken here, however, is designed to help you get a flavor of the whole Bible by reading selections from it throughout a year. You will be reading the best-known stories and many important lessons. Some parts of the Bible offer so much help that they can be read every day. Among these are the Gospels, Psalms, and Proverbs. One way or another, you need to read God’s Word!

Notice that each day’s reading has a title and a question. These are important application questions that will help you as you read. Always pray before you read and ask God to help you understand, apply, and obey His Word. And remember, this is only the start of the great adventure of reading God’s Word and getting to know Him.

Old TestamentNew Testament