Genesis 1:1-31: Genesis 2:1-3 How It All Started
Why do human beings have value and worth?

Genesis 2:15-25; Genesis 3:1-24 Adam and Eve
In what ways are you like those first humans?

Genesis 4:1-16 Cain and Abel
How do you handle anger?

Genesis 6:9-22 Noah Gets to Build a Boat
What is the most difficult act that God has asked you to do?

Genesis 7:1-24 All Aboard!
If you were alive at this time, would you have been invited to get on the boat? Would you have accepted?

Genesis 8:1-22 A Long Wait
How would you have spent your time on the boat?

Genesis 9:1-17 Rules and Rainbows
What could you do the next time you see a rainbow?

Genesis 11:1-9 The Tower of Babel
Whom do you trust more than God?

Genesis 12:1-9; 17:1-8 God’s Promises to Abraham
How does God affect the way you make decisions?

Genesis 18:1-15 Unusual Visitors
What is you basic attitude toward strangers?

Genesis 19:15-29 Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
How does God feel about sin?

Genesis 21:8-21 Hagar and Ishmael
How does God deal with the messes in your life?

Genesis 22:1-19 Abraham’s Painful Decision
What do you have trouble giving up to God?

Genesis 24:1-27 A Man Named Eliezar
How do you approach difficult tasks?

Genesis 24:28-67 Isaac and Rebekah
What unexpected good thing has God done for you recently?

Genesis 25:19-34 Jacob and Esau
How do you treat your brothers or sisters?

Genesis 27:1-40 Jacob Tricks His Father
How honestly have you treated your parents?

Genesis 28:10-22 Jacob Meets God
In what places in your life has God been the most real?

Genesis 29:14-30 Jacob’s Marriages
What are the qualities that make up the way you love others?

Genesis 32:1-33:16 Jacob Returns Home
What happens inside you when you try to avoid a problem?

Genesis 37:1-36 Jacob’s Children
How are disagreements settled in your family?

Genesis 39:1-23 Joseph in Trouble
How do you feel about getting in trouble for doing right?

Genesis 40:1-23 Dreams in Prison
When have you helped someone even though you had your own problems?

Genesis 41:1-36 Dreams in the Palace
Whom has God used to give you guidance?

Genesis 41:37-57 Joseph in Charge
How well do you handle big responsibilities?

Genesis 42:1-38 Joseph Sees His Brothers Again
What would you do with a chance for revenge?

Genesis 43:1-34 Back to Joseph
How well do you know how to forgive?

Genesis 44:1-34 Crisis in the Palace
How do you react when someone points out a mistake you’ve made?

Genesis 45:1-28 Finding a Lost Son
When did you last let your parents know you appreciate them?

Genesis 49:1-33 Jacob’s Final Words
What’s the strongest impression you’ve made on your parents?

Exodus 1:8-22; Exodus 2:1-10 Moses Is Born
How have you appreciated the gift of birth?

Exodus 2:11-25 Moses on the Run
When was the last time you found yourself running from God?

Exodus 3:1-22 God’s Burning Bush
In what ways has God made himself known to you?

Exodus 4:1-17 Moses Isn’t Sure
How willing are you to do what you feel God wants you to do?

Exodus 5:1-23 Resistance
What have people said when you’ve tried to obey God?

Exodus 6:1-13 Rejection
What would it cost you to do what God wants?

Exodus 7:1-14 A Stubborn Ruler
How does stubbornness affect your relationship with God?

Exodus 7:15-25; Exodus 8; Exodus 9:1-7 Five out of Ten Plagues
When do you try to bargain with God?

Exodus 9:8-35; Exodus 10:1-29 Four More Plagues
How does God get your attention?

Exodus 11:1-10; 12:29-36 The Ultimate Plague
What does it mean to fear God in your life?

Exodus 13:1-22; Exodus 14:1-31 A Narrow Escape
When have you experienced God’s protection?

Exodus 15:22-27; 17:1-7 God Provides Water
What do you complain to God about?

Exodus 16:1-36 God’s Unusual Food Supply
For what specific gift did you last say thanks to God?

Exodus 18:1-27 Helpful Advice
Who are the dependable advisers in your life?

Exodus 19:1-25 An Appointment with God
How would you prepare to meet with God?

Exodus 20:1-22 The Ten Commandments
How often do you think about God’s standards?

Exodus 32:1-29 The Gold Calf
What distracts you from obeying God?

Exodus 40 Instructions about God’s Tent
When are you most aware of God’s presence in your life?

Numbers 12:1-16 Moses under Fire
What do you do when you find yourself feeling jealous of someone?

Numbers 13:1-33; Numbers 14:1-4 Spying on the Promised Land
How does God affect the word “impossible” in your mind?

Numbers 14:5-45 A Majority That Was Wrong
How often are your decisions based on peer pressure?

Numbers 21:4-9 Another Hard Lesson
What can you do to avoid making mistakes?

Numbers 22:5-38 Balaam and His Donkey
What happens when you do what you know you shouldn’t do?

Deuteronomy 29 Moses Reviews God’s Actions
How do you keep track of what God has done for you?

Deuteronomy 30:1-20 Moses Challenges the People
How do you show that you love God?

Deuteronomy 31:1-8 Moses Appoints New Leaders
If you were Joshua, who would be “Moses” in your life?

Deuteronomy 34:1-12 The Death of Moses
How would you most like to be remembered?

Joshua 1:1-18 God Takes Over
Which of these qualities would you most need to be like Joshua?

Joshua 2:1-24 Spies Visit Jericho
What persons has God used in y our life unexpectedly?

Joshua 3:1-17 The Invasion of Canaan
How would you illustrate God’s guidance in your life?

Joshua 5:13-15; Joshua 6:1-27 The Battle of Jericho
How serious are you about having God use you?

Joshua 7:1-26 Ultimate Consequences
What strongly negative or positive consequences have you Experienced?

Joshua 10:1-15 The Longest Day
How do you know God is powerful?

Joshua 23:1-16 Joshua Warns the Leaders
Which of Joshua’s warnings do you most need to obey?

Joshua 24:1-31 Joshua Last Words
How can you get hope from history?

Judges 4:4-24 Judge Deborah
How do people know that you care about them?

Judges 6:1-40 Gideon Becomes a Judge
What examples of obedience can be found in your life?

Judges 7:1-25 Gideon and the Midianites
In what area of your life do you need to trust God more?

Judges 13:1-25 The Birth of Samson
In which part of your life do you need more discipline?

Judges 14:1-20 Samson’s Riddle
How carefully do you consider the wisdom of your parents?

Judges 15:1-20 Samson and the Jawbone
What proof do you have that mistakes usually don’t correct themselves?

Judges 16:1-21 Samson and Delilah
In what situations do you find yourself flirting with disaster?

Judges 16:22-31 Samson’s Death
How well do you understand God’s patience?

Ruth 1:1-22 Ruth and Naomi: A Friendship
How do difficulties affect your friendship?

Ruth 2:1-23 Ruth Meets Boaz
When have you found your reputation to be an advantage?

Ruth 3:1-18 Ruth Finds a Husband
What unexpected methods has God used in your life?

Ruth 4:1-22 A Happy Ending
What future reasons could there be for obeying God today?

1 Samuel 1:1-28 A Serious Prayer
What promises have you made to God lately that you have kept?

1 Samuel 3:1-21 God Calls Samuel
When you read God’s Word, what do you expect Him to say to you?

1 Samuel 8 The People Want a King
What has God taught you about being responsible for your own choices?

1 Samuel 9:1-21 Saul and the Lost Donkeys
What is God’s part in your daily decisions?

1 Samuel 1:1-27 Saul Becomes King
How do you evaluate people?

1 Samuel 14:1-23 A Son to Make a Father Proud
What would it mean to have a friend like Jonathan?

1 Samuel 16:1-13 Samuel Appoints David
What people do you appreciate for something other than how they look?

1 Samuel 17:1-31 David and Goliath’s Challenge
How does your confidence in God affect your decision to accept challenges?

1 Samuel 17:32-58 David Kills Goliath
What “giants” need to be defeated in your life?

1 Samuel 18:1-30 Trouble between Saul and David
How do you treat your friends who succeed?

1 Samuel 20:1-42 David and Jonathan
How much can your friends trust you?

1 Samuel 24:1-22 David Spares Saul’s Life
Do you treat others the way you want to be treated?

1 Samuel 25:1-42 David and Abigail
How does God keep you from making big mistakes?

1 Samuel 28:1-25 Saul and the Occult
What kinds of things could be considered “occult practices”?

2 Samuel 5:1-12 David Becomes King over All Israel
How could you become a person who is more pleasing to God, as David was?

2 Samuel 9:1-13 The King’s Kindness
What promises need to be kept in your life?

2 Samuel 11 David and Bathsheba
How often are you tempted to correct one sin by committing another?

2 Samuel 12:1-25 David and Nathan
Which of your friends love you enough to correct you?

2 Samuel 13:1-19 Family Consequences of Sin
What actions do you take to avoid temptation?

2 Samuel 13:20-39 Family Revenge
Are you more likely to have committed David’s sin or Absalom’s?

2 Samuel 15:1-37 Family Betrayal
Who helps you keep your motives clear?

2 Samuel 18:1-18 The Death of Absalom
In what situations are you most likely to lose control?

1 Kings 1:5-27 Conflict Over the Throne
What happens when you don’t make good decisions?

1 Kings 1:28-53 David Gives Solomon the Crown
When things in your world get confusing, how do you know God is still in control?

1 Kings 3:1-15 Solomon’s Wisdom
Which of Solomon’s choices would you have made?

1 Kings 3:16-28 Solomon Solves a Problem
In what situation in your life do you presently need God’s wisdom?

1 Kings 6:1-38 Solomon Builds the Temple
What can you learn from Solomon about making and carrying out plans?

1 Kings 10:1-13 Solomon and the Queen of Sheba
When are you tempted to try and impress people?

1 Kings 12:1-24 Solomon’s Unwise Son
Who are the people you know will give you good advice?

1 Kings 17:1-24 God Takes Care of Elijah
How do obeying and trusting God go together in your life?

1 Kings 18:16-46 Elijah versus the Priests of Baal
How would you describe your attitude toward God’s power today?

1 Kings 19:1-21 Spiritual Burnout
When was the last time you felt sorry for yourself?

1 Kings 21:1-29 The Stolen Vineyard
How important is justice in your life?

1 Kings 22:29-40 The Death of King Ahab
When are you tempted to think that you can hide from God?

2 Kings 2:1-12 Elijah’s Chariot
When you make a commitment, how far will you go to carry it out?

2 Kings 2:13-25 Elisha’s Miracles
How would someone else know that you have a deep respect for God?

2 Kings 5:1-27 The Healing of Naaman
What “small” things have you refused to do for God?

2 Kings 11 The King Who Was Seven Years Old
Who were your best examples in childhood?

2 Kings 22:1-20; 2 Kings 23:1-3 Discovery of the Lost Book
What happens in your life when the Bible is a “lost book”?

Ezra 3:7-13 Rebuilding the Temple
How do you feel when you’re working on a large, important project?

Nehemiah 2:1-20 Nehemiah Returns to Jerusalem
What relationships in your past need to be rebuilt?

Nehemiah 5:1-19 Nehemiah’s Concern for the Poor
How do you express your concern for the poor?

Nehemiah 8:1-18 Reading God’s Word
What are your expectations when you open God’s Word?

Esther 1:1-22 The Fall of a Queen
How often do you take the important people in your life for granted?

Esther 2:1-23 A Strange Way to Become Queen
When have difficult or confusing events in your life actually been a preparation for something you would later experience?

Esther 3:1-15 The Jews in Danger
In what situations are you tempted to compromise your faith?

Esther 4:1-17 The Queen Decides to Help
In what ways has your faith cost you?

Esther 5:1-14 Esther Risks Her Life
When was the last time you did something scary to obey God?

Esther 6; 7:1-10 God Protects His People
When is it helpful to remember that God is still in control of the world?

Job 1:1-22 The Testing of Job
In what situations do you most quickly question God’s care?

Job 2:1-13 Job and His Friends
How do you normally respond to someone else’s pain? How should you respond?

Job 38:1-41 God Speaks to Job
What things around you remind you of God’s greatness?

Job 42:1-17 The Rest of Job’s Story
What difference does it make to know and remember that God always has the last word?

Psalm 1:1-6 Two Kinds of Lives
What kind of person do you really want to be?

Psalm 8:1-9 The Value of Humans
How do you know you have worth?

Psalm 23:1-6 A Sheep’s Song
What is the most comforting phrase to you in this psalm?

Psalm 51:1-19 A Confession
What examples of repentance have been part of your life?

Psalm 103:1-22 What God Is Like
Which picture in this psalm helps you understand God better?

Psalm 139:1-24 How Well God Knows Us
What do you feel when you read this psalm?

Psalm 145:1-21 God for All People and Time
Which of God’s qualities do you most need today?

Proverbs 4:1-27 Wise Words about Life
What priority have you given finding wisdom?

Proverbs 5:1-23 Wise Words about Sex
How do these words match what you hear around you every day?

Ecclesiastes 12:1-14 A Summary of Life
In what way can you remember your Creator today?

Isaiah 6:1-13 God Chooses Isaiah
When did you last realize your continuing need for God’s forgiveness?

Isaiah 53 The Suffering Servant
How would you describe what Jesus did for you?

Jeremiah 1:1-9 God Calls a Prophet
What is your reaction to the possibility of God using your life?

Jeremiah 36 The Book Burning
How much risk is involved in your relationship with God?

Jeremiah 38:1-13 Jeremiah in the Well
What part of your life compares in any way with Jeremiah’s time in the well?

Ezekiel 37:1-14 A Valley of Dry Bones
What can you do to help you understand God’s plan for the world?

Daniel 1:1-21 Coping with Pressure to Conform
How might Daniel react to the pressure situations in your life?

Daniel 2:1-24 A King’s Dream
What do you do in seemingly hopeless situations?

Daniel 2:25-49 The Meaning of the Dream
Who gets the credit when things go right in your life?

Daniel 3:1-30 Three Friends in a Furnace
What examples can you give God’s protection in your life?

Daniel 5:1-30 The Writing on the Wall
What reasons would God have for passing judgment on the society in which you live?

Daniel 6:1-28 Daniel and the Lions
When do you pray regularly?

Jonah 1; 2:1-10 Bending God’s Direction
When did you last try to avoid doing what you knew God wanted you to do?

Jonah 3; 4:1-11 Wrong Motives
About what things do you complain to God?