Guard Your Heart

A Message for the Girls

by: Mandy Hughett

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. ~ Proverbs 4:23

Year after year, I have heard this phrase: “Guard your heart.” I heard it in Bible study and from a good friend of mine. I thought to myself, sure, I’ll guard my heart. Of course. Wait…. what does that mean exactly? How do I guard my heart? See, like many of you, I am the kind of girl who wants a step by step instruction of how to do something. How on earth do I guard my heart? What does that mean? I asked around… but I found out no one really knew that answer.

Girls, we are supposed to guard our hearts… God wants us to guard our hearts. But how can we do that if we don’t know what it means?

So currently, I am on a path to figure out how and what it means to guard our hearts. In relationships with guys, I have realized it is very important to guard our hearts. Why? So we don’t get hurt, of course. In this situation though, again I ask, how do we guard our hearts? Maybe it is a trust issue. Do we fall for guys and immediately trust them? I think many of us fall into that area. I never thought I was one to trust easily, as I am usually one to sense out those I can trust and those I cannot. Maybe you are one of those girls, too. But then you find the perfect guy… who you think right away you can trust with your life. That’s pretty big, at least to me. Ladies, we can not trust guys right away, no matter how much we “like” them. Get to know them. When I say get to know them, I’m not saying just talk to them a few times before trusting them. I am saying REALLY get to know them. After you are good friends with them, trust will grow to be a part of the friendship.

So what else? Maybe touching. Physical touch automatically brings people closer to each other. Flirting in the form of touching is a fast way to get emotionally attached- too soon. Maybe watching what we are doing physically would be a good way to guard our hearts.

Im sure there are many other things that would help you guard your heart. But I think its time to mention the most important. Prayer. We have an amazing God! A God who is our NUMBER ONE protector… all you have to do is ask. You’d be surprised at how much He will guard you.

Many blessings to you girls!!

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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