Book Review: Head, Heart, & Hands

Title: Head, Heart, & Hands
Subtitle: Bringing Together Christian Thought, Passion, and Action
Author: Dennis P. Hollinger
Publisher: IV Press
Date: March 2005
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9780830832637
Category: Christian living, Discipleship
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Review by: Trisha Smith




So often we think of great things we should do for Christ, ways we should live, things we can achieve. But they never go beyond our heads, though some do make it deep into our hearts. So how do you take it from your mind and put it into action? How do you put your passion into action when it is only in your mind and heart? Author Dennis P. Hollinger has the answer to these questions and more. His book Head, Heart, and Hands shows you how you can move from within to without, getting your faith put into action. This book helps you reconnect the fragments, reuniting thought, passion, and action. He takes readers through actual examples from history, showing us those who focused on only one aspect and how they could have done and been more had they united all three aspects. It is really an interesting book, showing me the importance of balance within ourselves as we live and serve Him. Let Hollinger correct the imbalance in your life and be transformed. A great book full of ideas and help.


About Trisha Smith 1194 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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