Book Review: I Am…. Biblical Women Tell Their Own Stories

Title: I Am….
Subtitle: Biblical Women Tell Their Own Stories
Author: Athalya Brenner
Publisher: Fortress Press
Date: Nov 2004
Pages: 248
ISBN: 0800636651
Category: Women, Religious Biography, Spirituality
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Review by: Trisha Smith



I absolutely loved this book. I love to read books about women of the bible and will usually devour any book I can find on the subject. I love the approach taken in sharing the stories of these women – a fictional account that gives each woman the voice she needs to be able to share her own story. So many times readers skip over the importance of these women and the message God can share with us through them because they focus on bigger names, as well as more visible or lengthy stories.  I was happy to see that Brenner chose both of the kinds of women we see in the Bible – both those visible ones like Ruth and Esther, as well as focusing on the others such as Dinah, Zeruiah, Huldah, etc. It was wonderful seeing those stories, learning in a story setting rather than straight from Scripture, and seeing God touch their lives and use them. I couldn’t get enough of this book and hope that there is a volume 2 released at some point, showing us more women in the Bible. This book blew me away. A must read for Christian women.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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