What to do if you Don’t Know the Answer

Witnessing can be a very trying experience at times, especially when you don’t know the answer. So what then? What do you do if someone asks you a question and you are not sure what the answer should be? This lesson is designed to help you when you find yourself in this position.

“Explain to me the Trinity.”
“What about those who have never heard of Jesus? Do they still go to hell?”
“Why would a loving God allow anyone to go to hell? If He truly loved them He’d save them all.”

If you have ever been out to witness you have probably heard these questions or similar ones, especially if you are sharing with Satanists or atheists. It is frustrating when you are faced with questions like these because we want to share Jesus, to be able to answer their questions, to help them see Him as the answer.

(If you feel you know the answers to these questions then that is wonderful. We are not asking for discussion on these questions. They were given as examples of questions asked that many do not feel prepared to answer.)

So what do you do?

The most important thing is to remember that no one is perfect. Not one of us has all the answers. There is only One who is perfect and it is Him that we are sharing. Don’t be afraid to say, “I honestly don’t know. Can I get your email address and let you know after I find out?”

Many times the person you are witnessing to will appreciate your honesty. Too many Christians try to sound like they have all the answers and it turns non-Christians away. They will sometimes tell you thank you when you tell them you haven’t a clue. Many find it refreshing to see such honesty, as they don’t see it from others much.

Of course, there will always be those who will ridicule you for not knowing the answer and will jump on this as an excuse to reject Jesus. When you face this, and most likely you will, just brush it off and continue to try to share. If the door closes you will know.

Don’t try to be the know it all. If you don’t know an answer be honest and let them know. See if you can find someone you know online that might be able to help you answer it, get an email address from the person and let them know you will get back to them, or make sure you maintain some kind of communication (see if you can meet with them again at a different time, add them to your buddy list, etc).

Not having the answer is not a bad thing. It just shows us we are not perfect and it gives us something to learn more about. It keeps us in our Bibles, seeking the answers so that we ARE prepared to give an answer when people ask. We can never be prepared with all of the answers, and when we are faced with questions that challenge us we find we must rely on God to learn more. In those times of challenging questions turn to Him and His Word and let Him help you find the answers to be able to give.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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