Book Review: Inside Out Worship

Series: The Worship Series
Title: Inside Out Worship
Subtitle: Insights for Passionate and Purposeful Worship
Author: Matt Redman and Friends
Publisher: Baker Pub Group
Date: January 2005
Pages: 192
ISBN: 0830737103
Category: Christian Living, Worship
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Review by: Trisha Smith




This was yet another awesome book on worship from the Worship Series published by Regal. I was again super impressed by the message contained within. I was inspired. Every time I read one of these books I think, “How did I ever miss that? Why didn’t I realize how important that was to worship?” I am shocked at my own ignorance and conviction with each book I read yet inspired and motivated by each. Such a faithful series! This book made me say, “Duh! Of course it begins in my heart! How did I ever think I could truly worship Him without it coming from my heart?” I was not only reminded of that fact by Matt Redman and Friends but was also given great insight into how to develop a heart-felt worship, how to bring about what is in the heart outside of the heart. And it is biblical and inspirational. A must for any worship leader or anyone longing to experience heartfelt worship.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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