Book Review: You Mean That Isn’t in the Bible?

Title: You Mean That Isn’t in the Bible?
Subtitle: 10 Popular Beliefs That Simply Aren’t True
Author:  David A. Rich
Publisher:  Harvest House
Date:  February 2008
Pages: 160
ISBN: 0736921389
Category: Apologetics
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Review by: Trisha Smith




Wow. This book was a real eye opener. I didn’t realize how many of the points included in this book were ones I believed myself! Author David Rich does an excellent job of presenting each of the ten beliefs and then explaining the real truths as outlined in God’s Word. The ten beliefs include: There are many roads to heaven; When we die we become angels; God helps those who help themselves; God wants you to be rich; Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven; We are God’s co-pilots; Pray hard and God will answer; God and Satan are battling it out; God is not a micromanager; and Everyone has their own free will. I like his approach to explaining each of the ten topics.  He says, “My intention is not necessarily to cause you to agree with everything I write about, but rather to cause you to study for yourself. This is not exception. Don’t accept something as being true just because you heard it your entire life.” That statement alone should encourage you to dive into this book and then dig into the Word to discover the truth for yourself.

About Trisha Smith 1093 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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