By Kelvin Oliver
T4JYM: Are you involved in your own home church? What role do you have there?
JH: My family and I have been attending Woodmen Valley Chapel (an enormous church in Colorado Springs. At the moment we are feeling the need to seek out a smaller church where we can be more involved. It is so easy to get lost in the big anonymous sea of a large church. Most of my life, I’ve been involved with the youth at the church we attended (even when I was a ‘youth’).
T4JYM: How long have you been a Christian?
JH: I accepted Christ in in our living room when I was 6 years old. My mom (who was also my Sunday School teacher) led me. my brothers and I grew up in church. The church was an extension of our family. I had my time of running from God as a young adult, but as a kid, I was pretty solid.
T4JYM: Who, aside from Jesus, is or has been the biggest influence in your life?
JH: I’d have to say my entire family. My mom (who is now in Heaven) was our Bible teacher, she was the most joyful, unselfish person I have known. My Dad was our pastor and the one who challenged us to seek truth, to work hard, to stretch ourselves (he would often put us on the spot to get up and share right in the middle of a service or Bible study – without preparartion or warning) and my three older brothers (Todd, Chadd & Bradd) all used their gifts so effectively! If and when I wasn’t producing fruit, I would stand out like a sore thumb.
T4JYM: Can you share a short testimony with our readers?
JH: As you’ve already read, I was saved early and practically lived in church. As a teenager, I went on missions trips, counseled at a Christian camp and did many wonderful things as part of the Christain culture I spent most of my time in.
Between the ages of 19 and 22, I really got into the world and away from the great foundation I had. I left college and began traveling as a standup comedian when I was only 20 years old. I was on the road most of the time, away from church, away from family and saddest of all, away from God (although He was never away from me). It was the darkest and ugliest time of my life.
I was rescued from that ‘life’ when I began dating a wonderful girl (who I now like to call my wife). She wouldn’t let me run any more. She made me stay home and do some more stable things with my life (which led to working for The Childrens ARK – a treatment center for troubled teens). During this time, she came to Christ (she was baptized by my dad the same day he married us) and I came back to Him.
I have worked full-time at The ARK for more than ten years (writing, speaking and doing a little comedy on the side) and we have a wonderful life with 2 wonderful children, a cat and 2 dogs who are wonderful 51% of the time.
T4JYM: Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten? The future?
JH: If God is willing, I will be at The Childrens ARK, working with kids, still writing and speaking and watching my kids work toward NBA contracts so they can hook Daddy up with courtside seats and take great care of him in his old age. 🙂
T4JYM: What is your favorite verse in the Bible and why?
JH: Romans 8:38-39 because it was one of my mom’s theme verses as she was dying. People would come to minister to her and they would end up being ministered to. It also reminds me of my experience of not being able to separate myself from God. He used a wonderful place and a wonderful woman to bring me back.
T4JYM: What are other things you are involved with in life?
JH: Just about everything but sleeping. My job allows me to travel and speak quite a bit (which I love). I can promote the ministry of Childrens ARK, hopefully entertain an audience and possibly plug our books shamelessly at the same time. I have now written five books with my brother Todd (the smart one). We love the teen and young adult audience especially with our writing.
I really enjoy speaking to people who work with kids – teachers, parents & foster parents, social workers and youth leaders. I do a presentation on stress for foster parents, social workers and teachers that is my favorite. My family, house and a little basketball take up most of the remaining waking hours (and it seems like they are ALL waking hours. Writing gets done late at night.)
T4JYM: What kind of relationship do you maintain with your audiences?
JH: Lately, we’ve been really blessed to have ‘a grip’ (adults, that means ‘a lot’ of young people write to us at our website – the site is terribly outdated, but kids who have read our latest book (Wake Up & Smell the Pizza) are writing in like crazy and sharing incredible stuff.
We are honored that young people who have merely read what we wrote would feel connected enough to tell us such deep and meaningful things. We’ve received emails from kids dealing with drugs, suicide, divorce, leading skeptical friends to The Lord and much more. These kids are awesome and it’s our greatest priviledge to communicate with them. They’ve given us a lot to write about in the future.
T4JYM: What is your favorite book that you have read?
JH: There are so many. Nothing can compete with The Bible, but I don’t put it in the catagory with other books because it is God’s Word. As far as books authored by men, I love CS Lewis, Brennan Manning and Max Lucado. ‘The Life You’ve Always Wanted’ by John Ortberg is the book I recommend to people the most. Secular authors I enjoy include Lloyd Alexander, JRR Tolkien and William Goldman.
T4JYM: Who do you look up to the most in life?
JH: Another tough one. My brother Todd is my hero in so many ways. He is the most gifted communicator I know. He has my dad’s (the best preacher I know) ability with words and he is so knowledgable about writing. The things he writes never have to be edited. He’s impecable. He’s also a great dad. My dad is a great dad too. I could go on and on.
T4JYM: Do you have an accountability partner or prayer partner to keep you encouraged and uplifted?
JH: I work with a great group of guys who aren’t just believers – they’re prayer warriors. They are more of my heros. We all get together and pray every week and we hold eachother accountable every day. I share an office witha guy named Scott Degelman (he is thanked in the ‘Pizza’ book) who is th most Godly individual. He’s such a good person that his mere presence makes you feel guily if you are out of step. He helps me stay on track more tahn anyone. The prayer group started with just the two of us and has grown to double digits.
T4JYM: Do you ever feel fear when you approach someone with the Gospel?
JH: Yes. Even when witnessing to someone who I know will respect what I’m saying. I often can’t find the right words. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I’ve chickened out. One thing that has helped me is to have some good resources. If you’re dealing with an intellectual skeptic, the works of Josh McDowell, Lee Strobel or websites like or (an apologetics ministry I’m involved with) are great tools. When I have good resources at my fingertip, it helps me be more bold.
T4JYM: What was your childhood dream career? How is it different from the one you have now?
JH: As a kid, I had delusions of being a professional athelete. Somehow, I always pictured myself writing and speaking. I wouldn’t trade all that I’m doing now for anything!
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