Interview with Author Jim Burn


By: Kelvin Oliver

T4JYM: Can you share a short testimony with our readers?

JB: As a young person I thought all Americans were Christian. I had no idea that it was possible to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The only time I went to church was Easter and Christmas. Then I met some incredible people who told me about a great church in the area. Out of curiosity I went and loved it. At 16 I asked Christ into my heart. It was the greatest decision of my life and that one decision has played an important role in my relationship with my wife, kids, work/vocation, education, friendships and of course my eternal relationship with God. I am so grateful for Christian friends who pointed me in the right direction

T4JYM: When and how did you accept Christ into your heart?

JB: After attending church for about 5 months I had heard that my sins could be forgiven and that I could have a right relationship with God. Once I heard the Good News, it made great sense to me and one night (February 14th, Valentines Day) I prayed this prayer in the quietness of my bedroom. “God I give you my life, forgive my sins. I am yours and I need your help to follow you. I invite Jesus to be my Savior and Lord. Amen.” It was simple and short but the most important decision of my life.

T4JYM: If you could meet any one person, past, present or future, who would you meet?

JB: Why would you choose that person? I am intrigued by the great writer C.S. Lewis. He had such a wonderful imagination and he presented the Good News of Christ in such a practical and relevant way. I would love to have spent time with him at Oxford University in England and talked about his love for God and his love to write.

T4JYM: Are you involved in your own home church? What role do you have there?

JB: Until recently I was an elder at my church and preached regularly filling in for our pastor. Today I am off the elder board for a while and focusing on other aspects of the church. I think it is very important for Christian leaders to remain involved in their churches. The Church (with all it’s faults) is the Bride of Christ and I believe the answer to the problems of the world.

T4JYM: Do you have an accountability partner or prayer partner to keep you encouraged and uplifted?

JB: Every Tuesday I meet with 4 other men who are my accountability partners and in many ways mentors. I don’t miss a Tuesday unless I am out of town or deathly ill. They replenish my relationship with God. I also meet regularly with a long time friend where we go quite deep for about a 3 to 4 hour meeting of accountability and replenishment. We hold each other accountable in the areas of our relationship with God, our wives and children, our work, relationships with the opposite sex, our sins and pretty much anything else that would keep us from following Christ. Accountability is a big thing for me.

T4JYM: Could you tell us what exactly HomeWord is about?

JB: HomeWord is a ministry that helps parents help their kids. My passion is helping young people make right and wise decisions from a Christian perspective. The most effective role I can play is to come alongside parents to help their kids.

T4JYM: What does HomeWord offer, both online and offline, to families?

JB: HomeWord has a great web site with lots of relevant articles, tips sheets, Questions and Answers mainly for parents. We also are heard on radio each day by over a million people in the USA. We have over one million books in print in 17 languages and we are in over 100 churches a year with great seminars like Understanding Your Teenager programs

T4JYM: As founder and president of HomeWord, how did everything get started – including the name change, from YouthBuilders, to now?

JB: When we first started our ministry we focused mainly on providing great resources for students and youth workers. As our ministry grew we were able to expand to parents, while at the same time still provide materials for students and youth workers. The name HomeWord is relatively new because that is the name of our radio program and that’s what most people now know us by instead of YouthBuilders. I love both names but HomeWord means that we focus on the home and the Word of God is our source of strength.

T4JYM: What is the main focus in your ministry?

JB: We help parents help their kids through daily radio, web, books in print and seminars.

T4JYM: Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten? The future?

JB: We expect with God’s hand of blessing to continue to serve the Church by helping families succeed. When you reach the family, you reach the world and so we have a long way to go.

T4JYM: I know you have written several books and they are listed on the website. So, what are your next plans for writing? Do you plan to do any more books along the same lines as this book?

JB: I am very excited to just be finishing a book on marriage. Parents need a lot of help in this area. Then I will write another parenting book and then a whole series of books and sexuality for children, students and for adults. I am a bit busy with writing these days!

T4JYM: What is the last book you read? Did you read it for research purposes or for pleasure?

JB: Because I am reading so much for my writing projects I am devouring books these days. My last book I read for research purposes was a book by a Christian marriage and family expert named Gary Smalley. The book was called the DNA of Relationships. It was great. The last book I read for pleasure was latest Harry Potter book. It isn’t a Christian book but I believe I need to read and be informed on books that are influencing kids today.

T4JYM: Who do you look up to the most in life?

JB: My wife Cathy is an awesome person. I admire Billy Graham greatly and Dr. Jon Wallace the President of Azusa Pacific University and my accountability partner is on the most authentic people I have ever known.

T4JYM: Do you ever feel fear when you approach someone with the Gospel?

JB: Yes. My prayer is that I will not be ashamed of the Gospel and sometimes I feel the same kind of feelings I did when I was a teenager. There are times I put what others think ahead of serving God.

T4JYM: Are there any last words that you would like to tell the youth of the world?

JB: The decisions you make will affect you for the rest of your life. I have never meant a person who regretted giving their life to God, I have meant hundreds of people who regret not giving their lives to God when they were younger.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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