Interview with John Reuben

Interview from Freekfest ’04

Compiled by: Courtney Gilmour

T4JM: Hi John, thanks for taking a few minutes to sit down with me. How did you get started as a Christian rap artist?

John: I started writing around 9 and 10 years old, then I got into MCing and freestyling. I wrote a lot when I was younger and it took a lot of practice to get where I wanted to be.

T4JM: And where did you grow up?

John: Columbus, Ohio

T4JM: What makes your style of rap different than mainstream, non-Christian rap?

John: Well, rappers, they speak what’s on their hearts, but faith is prevalent in my music. I think that’s what makes my music different, a message of hope.

T4JM: Yeah that’s very important in Christian music, that difference. So then what is your main motivation for this career?

John: Well, sharing my music and message has always been my main goal, the motivation for what I do. There are also other things like.paying bills. (laughs) I’m happy I can do that. Traveling too, I enjoy that.

T4JM: How much input do you have in the makings of your albums/image?

John: Lots of input, I have a lot of say into what goes on behind the scenes.

T4JM: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

John: Freekfest! (laughs) It’s hard to say, whatever God wants is what I’ll be doing. But really, I hope to still be doing shows like this five years from now. They’re so much fun and the turnout we get is just amazing.

T4JM: Do you consider yourself a role model?

John: Um, yeah, when you’re putting your music in the spotlight I think you are a role model whether it’s positive or negative-that’s up to you. When you’re putting yourself out there you have a responsibility to set an example, I take that seriously and hope that my message comes through loud and clear.

T4JM: What do you hope to convey with your music?

John: Well, I want to say that there’s something more to life than what people think. So many kids view God as someone who takes things away in life, or makes life boring. I want to show people that God opens doors instead of closing them.

T4JM: What advice do you have for our teen readers?

John: Be honest, with yourself and God. Realize that life is short and everything here on Earth is temporary. Embrace truth and always be real, follow the good and Godly examples in life. There are a lot of people out there trying to be genuine, you know, authentic but they’re kidding themselves because they live by what they see going on in society. Make sure you’re not trying to follow that pattern, live for God’s truth.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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