The Joy One Life Can Bring Into Another

By Christina Peters

Jamie is sitting in a car waiting for her friend, Mary, to return. Thoughts cloud her mind. She has always wanted to be different. Even if that meant she would lose her friends. That decision to be different meant she would live for Christ and give Him her all. She glances at Mary’s mom. Tears come silently as she is trying to find something to quench her fear. Jamie then looks at her mom. Her hand is outstretched as she reassures her friend.

When Jamie went home her mom spoke with happiness, “Jamie, I am so proud of you. You have shown Mary the love of God. She wouldn’t have sought help if you hadn’t have been there to tell her that was what she needed. She looks up to you and trusts your words. You did your best to show her Christ.” She said that as her eyes portrayed the joy she felt.

Jamie replied, “Mom, at first I sought after God because you had. I wanted to be just like you. You love Christ with all your heart and soul. I wanted that too. But now I know that in Christ is where I belong. He placed me here with Mary to help her. She needs Him so desperately. If only she had known just how much sooner.”

Mary had made a tough decision. She no longer wanted to be what her friends wanted her to be. She realized she needed help. She could not deal with her problems by herself. She needed Christ. Jamie was there to show her just where to find Him.

Mary’s condition had severely damaged her heart. She had only lived eighteen years. She turned her life around just in time. I think back on what Mary could have done with her life. She was extremely talented. If only she had used that for God’s glory. If Jamie did not have Christ in her life Mary would never have known our loving Father. Do not wait any longer to make a difference. Follow Christ and He will lead the way.

About Trisha Smith 1192 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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