Interview with Author Kim Moore

Author of A Patchwork Heart

by Trisha Bleau Smith

T4JYM: I absolutely LOVED reading A Patchwork Heart. It truly touched me, being a woman who has given my heart so many times. Where did the idea for the book come from?

KM: This book represents an eight year journey for me. My husband and I moved to the suburbs of Detroit to start a church 13 years ago, the church we still pastor today. About a year into the church plant I realized that I had a serious problem. We had started a church for unchurched people. Our dream was to create a safe environment for them to come ask their questions about faith, learn about God’s love for them and ultimately come into a personal relationship with Jesus. God blessed that prayer and brought lots of people to us who had stepped away from God and were trying to find him again. The problem was they were broken people and their brokenness was hard to live with! I found myself having no patience for their dilemmas and did what any hard working pastor’s wife would do – I asked for a transfer! I wanted a new assignment, one that was easier, one with “normal” people. God gently reminded me that I had said I would go anywhere he wanted me to go, and this was my “anywhere” for the time being.

It was that at point that I realized I had a heart issue that had to be looked at. I asked God for his help and boy did he ever respond! Over a period of two years he taught me through my own life experiences how to express his love for others, as I allow him to love me in new ways. It was a total win-win situation! I received an expanded heart as God loved on me, and then what he placed inside of me came out on others.

Eventually God began to give me opportunities to share my story with others and as I did that, the opportunity to write a book about what had happened presented itself and I was very humbled and felt blessed to be able to share my story with my reading audience hoping that they will be encouraged and equipped.

T4JYM: How has this book been received by the general public? Has there been positive feedback? Any negative feedback? Do you get a lot of feedback from the public? Do you respond to the people who contact you about your works?

KM: Being a first time author I have been very pleased with the response to the book. With all of the reading options available out there with so many great writers, it can be a little intimidating putting your first offering out on the table. But my publisher NavPress has been very helpful, encouraging, and wonderfully supportive. I have begun receiving feedback and I LOVE hearing from my readers! One really interesting response I had was from a young woman in my community. Her school friend, Kailee works for me at my ministry office. I had given Kailee a copy of the book as a gift for all of her help (and for letting me share one of her stories in my book!) and Jenn saw the book while visiting Kailee. She asked if she could borrow it and read it. Jenn had just become a Christian through the witness of her friend Kailee and she was wanting to read books that would help her grow in her faith. After reading the book, she told the Lord she was willing to have her heart expanded too.

Not long after that, the Lord asked her to share her faith with sister. At first she was really scared to reach out. Jenn was the first one in her Jewish family to accept Jesus. Notice I said “first.” Jenn did follow the Lord’s leading and let him orchestrate, a principle she learned from reading the book! She was able to lead her sister to Jesus!! Jenn has begun attending our church and is growing like crazy! God is going to use this young woman in ways we aren’t even able to imagine right now!

I do welcome feedback on the book, and would love to hear the stories of what God is doing in people’s lives as they extend themselves to love the people in their world.

T4JYM: What are your next plans for writing? Do you plan to do any more books along the same lines as this book? Will you move on to new writing?

KM: I am currently talking to my publisher about the next book. It’s an extension book off of this one, kind of the next step. After we finished “Patchwork” we stepped back and said what’s the natural progression here, and to us it was kind of obvious. So we’re looking at doing a book dealing with idea of cultivating patience. My husband and children absolutely cracked up laughing when I told them that we were giving thought to a book on patience. In fact, if I go upstairs they may still be there rolling on the floor! I have said many times that patience has been my life long lesson with God. Thankfully, God has responded to me and I have learned so much! Especially in the last year. Our lives drastically changed after 9/11 when one of our children became extremely traumatized. Patience has been the transforming word for us over the last year as we have journeyed with our son back to healing.

I could see the possibility of doing a book telling the stories of people who have reached out to others as a result of reading “A Patchwork Heart.” I know for me that hearing the stories of others is very motivating and helpful. So send in your stories and we’ll see what happens!

There are also a couple other books that are beginning to surface as I go out and speak. When people in my audiences begin to ask if I’ve written a book on a particular topic, my ears perk up! So it looks like there will be new writing going on in the future.

T4JYM: How much time did you spend preparing for this book? How much research did you have to do? Did you have help? How much time do you normally spend researching any writing you do?

KM: This book was so different because it came out of a season of my life that I had already experienced. I did do a lot of outside reading though and Bible study as well. By the time I finished “Patchwork” there was a library of about 25 books that I gleaned quotes from and had read. Most of the research I do myself. I do let my friends know what I’m researching and many times they pass things on to me that are quite helpful and get included. I’m on one of those “research thoroughly” kind of people. There are not many books written on compassion, so I spent a lot of time researching which books were out there and then purchased copies of those, as well as looking for authors perhaps who didn’t write a whole book on the topic but included it as part of another book. I’m a gatherer, so I did a lot of gathering in the early phases of writing. That seems to work for me.

T4JYM: How many times did you find your work was sent back to you before it was finally accepted by a publisher? Did they give you feedback when it came back to you?

KM: My pathway into publishing is quite different from most. I’m a communicator primarily. Most of the ministry I do involves speaking in some form, either as a worship leader or a speaker. Through some of my ministry friends, I met the people at Nav. When they heard about what God was doing in ministry around me, they became interested in the possibility of collaborating on a book.

So we began to talk, negotiate and eventually a contract was offered.

T4JYM: Do you do any other kinds of writing? For example, magazine writing, devotions, etc.

KM: I’ve been writing songs for years and my first published work was in the area of music, worship music for the most part. I’m currently working on a worship CD that will hopefully come out in the early part of next year.

T4JYM: What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing writing as a career?

KM: Write, write, write! I’ve been writing songs, and keeping journals of all kinds for quite some time now. Also, learning the craft of writing is important. Going to writing seminars is a must, not only because of what you learn but also because of who you meet. Meeting the right people at the right time in the right place is so important. The only other thing is be persistent, just don’t give up! One time I had a record executive tell me that the people that get recording contracts are the people that just don’t give up. He made that comment after hearing my first CD. He looked me square in the eye and said, “Don’t give up and you’ll get your contract.” That was very powerful for me. I’m still working toward that one. I don’t have the contract yet, but I’m not giving up!

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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