Interview with Author Kristin Billerbeck

By Kelvin Oliver

T4JYM: Briefly tell me what was it like for you to start writing?

KB: I have always written for a living. After majoring in journalism in college, I wrote advertising copy and press releases for luxury hotels and malls. I was an avid reader, and didn’t find enough new books I liked, so I started writing novels.

T4JYM: What is generally your target audience? How do you decide on what audience to focus your writing on?

KB: Now I’m writing for young women, aged 16 to 40 with Christian chick lit, which is Bridget Jones goes to church. It’s light, fun and hopefully has a lesson wrapped in a good beach read.

T4JYM: Have you written any other books? Do you have any ideas for books you would like to write?

KB: I have a new series I’m going to be writing about three Christian friends who meet twice a year at a California spa and overshare. I have been writing romances for the last seven years, but chick lit is truly my calling.

T4JYM: Who were the biggest influences in your life generally speaking, and who were the biggest influences since you decided to write?

KB: My grandmother, who was constantly nitpicking, and knew I could aspire to more if I weren’t lazy. The same could be said for a high school English teacher after I’d been kicked out of advance English for the same reason. Mrs. Diamond kicked my behind, and told me to shape up.

For writing? I would say it’s Thomas Hardy, Jane Austen and Jane Peart who inspired me to write novels.

T4JYM: How do you find time to write? Life is busy and time management is hard to do sometimes. When do you do your best writing and where?

KB: Writers just write. When I used to go to bed, I’d be writing letters to the editor in my head trying to solve the world’s problem. I can be completely asleep and yet thinking about a current problem in a novel and why something isn’t working. Sometimes I think it’s easier to write with less time than more because you manage your time and word count better.

T4JYM: What advice would you give to someone who wants to pursue a career in writing?

KB: I would say to read a lot of the genre you want to write. Find your voice, listen to what you have to say and learn the craft. Once I got a rejection that said this was a book that needed to be written. Just not by me. Without craft, what you have to say, can’t be conveyed properly.

T4JYM: What advice would you give to someone interested in publishing their works?

KB: Do your homework. Publishing is a business. No one wants to publish you for their health, they want to publish you because your passion shines through in a work. If you saw what an editor gets on their desk, it’s so much of the same thing. What makes you different? That’s what will make your “voice” different.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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