Larry the Cucumber of VeggieTales

Compiled by Trisha Smith

Chuck: When you get older, will you become a pickle?

Larry: Well Chuck, while I regularly find myself in a pickle, actually becoming a pickle is where I draw the line.

Roger: Does all the fame ever go to your heads?

Larry: I’m not as concerned with fame going to my head, as I am with pizza going to my mid-section. I’ve never met a pepperoni I didn’t like.

Trisha: What is your favorite Silly Song? And of all the shows you’ve done, which one is your favorite?

Larry: Hi, Trisha! According to my contract, I like all my Silly Songs equally. As for my favorite, that is really hard to say. Right now, I would have to say my favorite show is our brand new Christmas show, The Star of Christmas. Bob and I really had a great time making it. You’ve just got to see the rocket car we get to drive.

Roger: When you were marching around the walls of Jericho and the mean guards on top of the walls threw milkshakes at you (at least I *think* they were milkshakes), was that cool or not? Personally, I’d enjoy that happening to me – I mean – how refreshing!

Larry: Actually Roger, they weren’t milk shakes, they were slushies. But, just the same, you sound like someone who appreciates the pure joy of being pelted with miscellaneous novelty drinks.

Mandy: How long have you been singing and have you always been singing silly songs?

Larry: I’ve been singing since I was just a wee, little gherkin of a lad. That is to say, I’ve been singing Silly Songs for nearly all my life; only they weren’t always called Silly Songs. For a while I called them Hilarious Harmonies, but a linguist pointed out to me that the vowel to consonant ratio of ‘Silly Songs’ coupled with the inherent alliteration make it notably funnier. Well, I don’t know about all that, I just like the way “Silly Songs” rolls off the tongue.

Trevor: How do you give high fives?

Larry: With me, giving high fives is more of a Zen thing.Yes.

Roger: Do you really, really, really love his lips? And if so, how much do you spend on therapy with the good doctor?

Larry: Roger, whose lips are you referring to? Russel Crowe’s, Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschel, TV’s Starr Jones? Oh, you must be referring to the Silly Song “Love My Lips.” Well, I’m not really a lip-lover. I just played one on TV.

Randi: What is your favorite color?

Larry: Earth tones are nice – your brown, amber, rust. Oh, who am I kidding? There’s only one color for me – green, green, green!

Mandy: Where do you live?

Larry: Oooh, existentialism! I live where I am, and where I am is who I will become. Oh, all right! I live in Lombard, Illinois.

Nelson: Where did the idea for Jonah come from?

Larry: Well, it came form the Bible. But I believe a couple guys named Mike and Phil came up with the Veggie version.

Roger: What do veggies do for fun when you’re not acting?

Larry: Three words – leaf blower hockey!

Brian: What do you like better, vegetables or fruit?

Larry: Depends on what you’re doing. For instance, vegetables are superior bowlers to fruit, but come time to have your gutters cleaned out, and fruit’s your guy! Not even the most gifted vegetable holds a gutter-cleaning candle to a fruit.

Samantha: What was it like making a full-length motion picture?

Larry: It’s kind of like ice-fishing, only instead of ice you have a camera, and instead of fish, you have lines to memorize. Other than that, they’re exactly the same.

Roger: Do you wear contact lenses? Because if you do, they must be custom-made because you’ve got really large eyes!

Larry: You must think I was born yesterday, Roger. So, tell me more about these so-called – what was the name you gave them – contact lenses? Next you’ll be telling me, that you can have your vision corrected with … with …Oh, I dunno, lasers. Yeah, that’s it!

Randi: What is your favorite game?

Larry: Chutes and Ladders! You just never know what’s going to happen next.

Trisha: What advice do you have to give to the youth of this world?

Larry: Be nice to your parents, even if they do dress weird. And remember, God made you special and He loves you very much!

About Trisha Smith 1170 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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