Learners, Servants, and Storytellers

by Tim Gibson

ATTITUDE. It’s the most important aspect of the short-term mission experience. The right attitude has three parts – as you take ont he roles of learner, servant, and storyteller.

Become a Learner

As a learner, you take responsibility for yourself and for what happens to you. You trust God to use you. Ask questions to make the most of your experience – questions about what you’re seeing, hearing and feeling. As a leaner, you come to another culture to find out how people think and what God is doing among them. Your expectations are based in learning what God is already doing, not in your own ability to convert others or to make a lasting contribution.

Become a Servant

As a servant, you follow Christ’s own example. He labelled Himself a servant rather than a leader. Servants are rare in our culture, but their attitude allows them to facilitate others in their own unique visions. A true servant asks, “How do you want this to be done?” instead of saying,”Let me show you the right way to do it.” God has given His vision to people all over the world. As a servant, you try to understand the particular vision God has given His people in you host culture. THen offer your help to facilitate their efforts.

Become a Storyteller

As a storyteller, you feel free to tell your own story because it belongs to you. It’s easier to share what God has done in your life, though, if you listen first to others – the stories of their lives, their culture, and their perceptions of the world. As you tell your story in return, you encourage them to think about their own lives in God. This isn’t preaching. It’s simply the honest record of your life with the Lord – past and present, ups and downs. It soon becomes natural to talk freely about how God is working.

Learners, Servants, and Storytellers
Written By Tim Gibson
Pg 76, The Short-Term Missions Handbook, First Edition
© 1992 Berry Publishing Services, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.


*** Teens4Jesus would like that thank the Short Term Mission Handbook for allowing permission to use this article. ***

About Trisha Smith 1192 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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