Interview with Leif Skartland

Drummer for Jeremy Camp

By: Jessica Gregrorius

T4JYM: How did your band get started? Also, please share a brief testimony of how you guys came to know the Lord.

Leif: Well, Jeremy Camp was playing locally in San Diego (where I still live) and his drummer at the time, Aaron Redfield is a session drummer. So, not wanting a full time gig he recommended me. I played one of Jeremy’s shows and he’s called me back ever since.

I gave my heart to Jesus when I was in the 7th grade at a church service at my church Horizon Christian Fellowship. The Pastor was talking about how you can’t use God as a escape route out of hell. He talked about how it’s all about your relationship with Christ and we love Him because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)

T4JYM: What kind of relationship do you all have with one another? & Are you one big happy family?

Leif: Jeremy Camp is a solo artist, so we are his hired band. But in many ways we are a family. We live together ten months of the year (in tight quarters) We all have Bible studies every show and we keep each other accountible, like iron sharpens iron. We each have a ministry both together as a group but also separetly. It is neat to see how God uses those who are willing to be used.

T4JYM: What is the main focus in your ministry? Teens? The lost? The hurting?

Leif: Staying faithful in the little things. I think because of our position and where God has placed us our ministry is to the fans we talk with and other bands we tour with. But I’m always jumping at the opportunity to help the homeless, they seem to flock to me, I don’t know why but I try and help by telling them about Jesus.

T4JYM: Do you make it a goal to use your music to minister to people?

Leif: Oh yea, God has given us this gift for a reason, not to just sit on it or hide it. Music is not my life, it is what I do, but Jesus is my life and so what I do I do it all for Him.

T4JYM: What is the message you are trying to get across with your music?

Leif: Well, I support Jeremy in what he is doing which is to minister to the hurting and give the gospel, also showing how God restores.

T4JYM: Where do you get ideas for your music?

Leif: Listening to tons of music. I love to study music, what I mean is when I listen to whatever style rock, rap, pop, jazz, funk, or pretty music I imagine myself playing it. I listen to what can be done. Watching musicians help trumendiously.

T4JYM: What is the biggest thing you have learned from performing and ministering through music?

Leif: When God calls you and lifts you up it’s real and lasts. When we stay close to Jesus we are able to know where He is leading us. Staying faithful in the little things and waiting for Gods timing keeps us close to Him. And what I mean the little things, reading the Bible, going to church, and staying in fellowship.

T4JYM: Who, aside from Jesus, is or has been the biggest influence in your life?

Leif: My Dad, he has always supported and encouraged me my whole life. He has always believed in me and it has helped me through. He has shown me what a father should be like, what a husband should be like, and most of all what a man of God should live like.

T4JYM: What is the most inspirational piece of scripture that you have found that applies to your life?

Leif: 1 John 4:19 For we love Him because He first loved us.
Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beggining of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

T4JYM: Please share a short testimony about what God has done during one of your concerts.

Leif: Well at every “Jeremy Camp show” Jeremy shares the gospel. And he usually gives an alter call. So, this one time he gave one and a bunch of people came forward. He puts the guitar down and gets down with the people and starts praying with each one individually while we play quiet backround music to set the mood. It was amazing see those people give there lives to Christ. I get goosebumps everytime even when only one gives their heart. The Bible says the angels have a party.

T4JYM: And finally My last & final question is this: What advice can you give to the youth of our world?

Leif: God has a plan and a purpose of all of you. We are nothing special because we’re on stage or do music. We are all one body. You have gifts we don’t have and God wants you to use them. God hasn’t put you on the shelf He wants you to be willing to be used. Look at today and what God has for you right now. Don’t be concern with tomorrow or the future or you’ll miss what is right in front of you.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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