Book Review: Lorna Look-A-Lot

Series: The Little Lots
Title: Lorna Look-A-Lot
Author: Irene Howat
Illustrator: Michel de Boer
Publisher: CF4Kids
Date: March 2005
Pages: 16
ISBN: 1857929799
Category: Children’s, Picture books
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Review by: Trisha Smith



There is so much to see all around us. The world is full of beautiful things. God has given us much to look at and has taught us how to make and use tools to see more things. Lorna and her children marveled at all the tiny things they saw through their magnifying glasses. They were excited at all the new things they could discover simply by looking around them. Too often we take things for granted, not seeing all the beauty in the world we live in. We need to stop every now and then to see what we are overlooking every day. We need to teach our children how to see things God made and teach them how to appreciate them. Lorna Look-A-Lot has provided a great story to show readers how to take the time to look around and see God’s creations. This was my final book review in the Little Lots series and I am sad to see that it is because I have enjoyed the lessons and reminders written to children but that can impact people of all ages. They have all been wonderful and very enjoyable.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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