Women of the Word: Lot’s Wife

Scripture References:
Genesis 19:25-26; Luke 17:29-33

Name Meaning:
None – we do not know what her name was. The Bible is silent on this fact.

Who was this woman mentioned so briefly in Scripture that we are cautioned to remember and what is it we are to remember her for? This short lesson is designed to show us a Spiritual application we can take from the nameless wife of Lot.

We first meet Lot’s wife when morning dawns in Genesis chapter 19 verse 15. Mention is made of the daughters but not of the wife until they are told to flee the city.

Who was this woman? Some speculate that she was born in Sodom, raised there in the worldly manners.She likely remained pagan, given the area they lived in and her husband being mayor and sitting at the gates of the city.  Regardless we know her heart remained in Sodom from her actions which are forever memorialized as a lesson for us all.

How do we know her heart was in Sodom? We first see it in Genesis 19:16 when the angels had to take them by hand to urge them to leave. The entire family hesitated, despite how wicked we know the city had become.

We see the next indication that her heart remained in Sodom in verse 26. “But his wife from behind him, looked back and she became a pillar of salt.” The angels had instructed them in verse 17 to not look behind them. Lot’s wife looked back to see her home one last time and was frozen as a pillar of salt as punishment for disobeying.

“What does this one story in the beginning of the Bible have to do with me?” 

We can learn a valuable lesson from Lot’s wife. Jesus reminds us to remember Lot’s wife. His sermon is about His return and He speaks to them about not turning back then says “Remember Lot’s wife.”

Our eyes need to remain focused on our Lord. We should not turn back, longing for the old (or even a glimpse of the old) for our hope is in Him. He alone should be where our heart is, the One we focus our eyes upon.

About Trisha Smith 1157 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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