Book Review: Lovers for Life

Title: Lovers for Life
Subtitle: Strengthening and Preserving Your Marriage
Compiled by: Kenneth C. Musko
Editor: Janet M. Dixon
Publisher: Christian Publications
Date: Jan 2021
Pages: 352
ISBN: 0875099947
Category: Marriage, Relationships, Dating
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Review by: Trisha Smith



I am always amazed at how God works though I know I shouldn’t be. At a time when I am in need of some confidence in my own marriage this book comes across my desk for review. I am now reading it with my husband so that both of us can apply the principles in our marriage together, working as a team to build our marriage up even strong than it was before. Our desire is to be lovers for life, and the various contributors to this book have given timeless advice to help us become just that. This book takes the best from each author and speaker and brings it all together in this one amazing book. Names like Gary Chapman, Zig Ziglar, and Steve and Annie Chapman jumped out at me right away. This is an excellent book and one that has great power within it – the power of God to build a marriage on Him, a marriage that will last. It is a must for any married couple. And it would make excellent reading for premarital counseling sessions. I recommend this book to any and all wishing to learn more about marriage strengthening.

About Trisha Smith 1093 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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