Interview with Mark Hall

of Casting Crowns

By: Jaye

T4J: Your story should also be a modern day testimony to how God likes to use people in ordinary ways, to make extraordinary things happen. Just like with a college student named Chase Tremont. How did that come about?

MH: We have constantly heard through all of the many steps through this, “This never happens.” God really is blessing this ministry in the area of getting our music to the people. We know that it is His hand and His timing that has made things happen and we don’t take that for granted.

T4J: From ministering to a local 400 member youth group to a worldwide reaching ministry, God sure has a fantastic outreach program planned for Casting Crowns. Talk about a jumpstart! What has this God-driven opportunity taught you, that you can in turn use to help others in their quest to minister?

MH: Jumpstart began as a hurt for the local church youth worker. Many do not have the budget they need to program the ministry God is showing them. Se we are creating a resource that will equip them with the “stuff” they need for ministry and not drain their budget pulling it off. I say, “Spend your money on your kids, not on your programs!” We’re adding things weekly to the sight as we can. Casting Crowns has been a little busy lately too.

T4J: You realize that the youth are going to be watching closely, to see how Casting Crowns handles all this new found fame; if they really do walk the talk. How do you plan to show them the way they should walk in?

MH: Our student keep us fresh. They heard all of our songs and when we cone home off the road and stand before our students to lead them – “If We are the Body” is not going to do. They want to hear something fresh. And that keeps us on our toes.

T4J: Like your hit song, If We Are The Body, points out, the focus of church isn’t meant to be about fitting in with a new group of people, it’s about a new way of life. How has that song broken some molds?

MH: I don’t think that we’re saying anything that isn’t being said by every pastor across the country. I just think that music gives us a different approach to the listener. They are apt to listen to a song for a while and then all of the sudden, “WHAM,” the message comes crashing through the music and into their hearts. The song breaks mold in me every time I sing it.

T4J: The message of your latest release, Who Am I, was written with a slightly different focus, than what we might think. How so?

MH: Before we can truly understand who we are in Christ, we must understand who we are not. Then, I believe, that God’s love is even more amazing to us all.

T4J: What about the song written for a NASCAR event, and the one you call your lawnmower song?

MH: Praise You with the Dance is the lawnmower song. Every time I cut my grass I would find myself singing this little tune until finally it was a complete praise song. My neighbors probably thought I was a nut.

American Dream is a song written to the Fathers of every student I have spent time with over 13 years of student ministry. In the effort to provide for our families, we men sometimes lose our purpose for all the work. Many of us (being a little weak in the relationship area) feel more in control at work than we do at home. Our jobs can become more of a retreat than we would care to admit. The reality is that our children need us way more than they need a lake house.

T4J: What’s this I hear about cartoons?

MH: We’re really into Looney Toons.

T4J: I understand you learned to say, “So what?”, from Steven Curtis Chapman. So what exactly is that all about?

MH: He calls it the “so what” test. It’s a hard question that you must put to every song you write. It asks you what your intentions were and do they really matter at all.

T4J: So, what is next for Casting Crowns?

MH: One day at a time and I’m getting used to that. When you understand that you have nothing to do with getting where you are then it’s allot easier to let go of the reigns of your future.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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