Meet Jesus


Some people say he’s a teacher, some say a prophet. Others say he’s a liar or a fake, but many more know him as Savior or Lord. Whatever you think you can’t deny that He did once live.

Jesus could have been either a legend, a liar, a lunatic, or Lord and God. There is so much historical evidence available that historians agree – he was more than a legend. And if he was a liar why would he have died if he could have avoided it with a few false words? And a lunatic could not have had intelligent debates or handled the stress of his betrayal. He said he was God and evidence supports that!

The men who followed Jesus were called disciples. Anyone who follows Jesus now is also a disciple. The original 12 disciples were His closest followers and are better known as the Apostles. These men believed Jesus to be the Son of God. In Matthew 14:33 they all witness Jesus calming the stormy sea. They respond immediately with “Truly you are the Son of God.” In Mark 8:29 Jesus asks Peter who he thinks He is. Peter responds with “You are the Christ.”

Every where Jesus went people followed Him. Their faith that He could heal them was great. Read through the New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and see all of the healings and miracles He did. You can see Him driving evil spirits out of people, healing people who are blind, paralyzed, and inflicted with diseases, He raises people from the dead, etc. What man can do this today? Jesus did this because He is the Son of God!

Jesus Himself told us who He was when He came to live among us. In John 14:9-14 it says Jesus said to one of His followers “Have I been with you so long and yet you have not known me Philip? He who has seen me has seen the Father, so how can you say show us the faith? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me? The words I speak to you I do not speak on my own authority but the Father who dwells in me does the works.”


Read the following verses to learn more about Jesus’ birth: Luke 1:26-27, 31, 34-35 In these passages you learn that Jesus was born of a virgin. The angel tells us that He would be called the Son of God. After He was born He was taken to the temple. Anna the prophetess lived to see this day. As He grew older He impressed others as well. At age twelve He was found in the temple teaching the men. But it is not until He was about 33 that His ministry truly began. Jesus lived a life of teaching and sharing. He moved from place to place teaching any who would listen. He healed people and performed miracles. He helped those who needed help. Jesus showed love to all people, even those who were not Jewish –  which was not like other Jewish people of the times.


Jesus lived the perfect life. The perfect life He lived may not seem perfect to you, but Jesus was and still is perfect in all ways. He is the Son of God, alive forever more. He lived a perfect life, and died a horrendous death, so that you also might live forever more. Jesus was led to His death, upon a cross, where He suffered and bore the sins of the world.

So what does that mean? It means that Jesus gave His life because the Bible teaches us that the wages of sin is death (Romans 3:23). That means that because of sin we all are guilty and we all will die and be seperated from God for all of eternity. But God loves us so much that He does not want this! So He sent Jesus to be the substitute for our sins. (John 3:16) Jesus died in our place. WE should have been the ones on the cross, suffering for our sins. But Jesus loves us so much that He gave His own life in exchange for ours. He died and wiped out our sin forevermore.


“Big deal,” you may say. “Means nothing to me. He wiped out sin. I can live however I want!”

Try again.

Jesus gave His life for you. Unconditionally. Well almost. He died for you in hopes that you would live for Him. The only condition is that you must accept His sacrifice for yourself. You have to admit that you are a sinner and in need of a Savior. You have to realize that you need to be saved. And then you must accept this. You must admit you are a sinner and accept that Jesus has died for you. He gave His life so that you would live forever! Pray to Him. Tell Him. Thank Him. Tell Him you are a sinner and in need of Him to save you from everlasting separation. Ask Him to help you to live for Him. He will be with you always. He loves you and is waiting for you to talk to Him, to tell Him you need Him in your life. He is waiting for you to come to Him and accept Him as your Savior.

How do you do this? Simply pray. You can pray this prayer or you can pray your own. If you want someone to pray with you please contact us and let us know. We are here to help you. We want to guide you and help you to learn more about what to do next.

Dear Jesus, I thank You Lord for giving Yourself in place of me. I am a sinner and I know that I need You in my life. I ask You Lord to forgive me for all of the bad things I have done and to come into my life now and help me to live for You. I thank You that You love me and have already forgiven me. Amen.

Please let us know if you have prayed this prayer. We would love to rejoice with you and send you some free materials to help you grow more. Contact us and let us know.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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