Interview with Author Michelle McKinney Hammond

by Trisha Bleau Smith

T4J: From looking through the amazing list of books on your website I can say I am honestly amazed by what I have seen and praise God for such talent. Where do you get the ideas for the books you have written and are preparing to write?

MMH: My passion has always been for relational issues. Through the suggestion of a mentor I began my book writing journey by chronicling my transformation from a miserable Christian single to a joyful woman. Since then the response has been overwhelming and I’m always fielding questions, so between that and what God leads me to address that’s where all the books come from!

T4J: Your newest book – 101 Ways to Get and Keep His Attention – is due to be released in early summer. Why this topic? What inspired you to write this book?

MMH: As I traveled around the country speaking I found more and more that women in the church were overspiritualizing their relationships with men and running into natural trouble. This burdened me greatly so I began asking men exactly what was important to them in the realm of their relationships with women, their answers were very interesting. Not exactly what the average woman thinks about so I decided to share my findings.

T4J: How much time and effort goes into the editing process? Do you have people who help you edit your works before sending them in or do you do it all on your own? How involved is the editing process with the publishers?

MMH: I write the book and send it to the publisher. They then assign and editor to go over the manuscript. After that I address their questions and make the corrections they suggest. If I disagree we have a discussion about it and come to a place of agreement.

T4J: How have your books been received by the general public? Has there been positive feedback? Any negative feedback?

MMH: The response has been overwhelming. The stories of changed lives blesses me and motivates me to keep going. I don’t receive a lot of negative feedback, but when I do I always remember that you can’t please everyone. That’s why God has different people to serve up the same message in different ways so that everyone can be reached.

T4J: Your contact information is included in most of your books and on your website. How do you find time to write the books you write, respond to the emails, respond to the snail mails, etc.? Do you have people that help you with this?

MMH: I read all of my mail, make notes and have someone answer it. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to keep it up though, it’s really piling up, especially the emails!

T4J: Why singles? Why this audience? What made you decide to write books to these people?

MMH: I’m single, I hear all of the discussions, wondering, whining… I hear it all and can relate because I’ve been through all the phases of wrestling with my singleness so who better to address their special needs than someone is lives where they are and can say with qualification it is possible to be single and happy, but here’s how!

T4J: What is the response from audiences like when you speak? You have numerous speaking engagements listed on your site – the people obviously are impressed with what you have to say. How do they respond to you in person compared to in email or by snail mail?

MMH: Speaking engagements are a whole different animal than books, you’re dealing with flesh and blood, very real emotions near the surface. I always ask God to help me teach prophetically so that the needs of the people are addressed. He has been faithful to do that, sometimes even changing my message right before I speak. It is so awesome to have someone come up to you after that and say, “You were speaking straight to me today, that is exactly what I have been going through, thankyou.”

T4J: What are your next plans for writing? Do you plan to do any more books along the same lines as these books? Will you move on to new writing?

MMH: I’m always stretching. I just finished “In Search of the Proverbs 31 Man” and I am considering doing a novel as well as some other books. I am not limited just to singles, I also do Bible studies on various topics as well as things for married women.

T4J: How do you find time to write? Life is busy and time management is hard to do sometimes. When do you do your best writing and where?

MMH: Writing and speaking is my full time life, it is what I do. I would say that I prefer to write late afternoon to late night because that’s when the phone calls slow down. I have an assistant who handles all of my administrative stuff to free me up to do what I do best.

T4J: Who are some of the authors you read? Why do you like their works? What is the last book you read? Did you read it for research purposes or for pleasure?

MMH: Charles Swindoll’s character series is probably one of my favories. Anything by Francine Rivers, Liz Curtis Higgs, and P.B. Wilson. I’m all over the place when it comes to reading. From The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren to Soul Salsa by… I forgot the authors name but great writing and insight. I like books that make you go yum or hmm. I like to be either taken a way or drawn deeper into understanding God, those two things drive my selections. Sometimes a good cover sucks me in but the contents have to keep me there.

T4J: What training do you have in writing? Did you take any writing courses in college to obtain the skills you have currently?

MMH: I never studied writing it is my gift from God. I was always an avid reader though, I am my worst critic, because if it’s not keeping my attention I assume others will respond the same so I write what I would like to read in a sense.

T4J: What advice would you give to someone who wants to pursue a career in writing?

MMH: Find out if that is what God has called you to do first. Its a lonely life. Consider the needs of others as you write. Then apply yourself to finishing what you start. Be willing to persevere through rejection and criticism until you find the right home for your manuscript. And then pray a lot!

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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