Book Review: Miniskirts, Mothers, and Muslims

Title: Miniskirts, Mothers, and Muslims
Subtitle: A Christian Woman in a Muslim Land
Author: Christine A. Mallouhi
Publisher: Monarch/Kregel
Date: July 2004
Pages: 192
ISBN: 0825460514
Category: Women, Parenting, Comparative Religion
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Review by: Trisha Smith



I read Christine Mallouhi’s last book, Waging Peace on Islam, and thought it was a great book. But this book has made me question that earlier thought. Now that I have studied more about Islam, I am sorry to say that no matter how much Mallouhi tries to make them into a peaceful people, I now know what the Quran. They are a very politically minded religious group bent on conquering that they will stop at almost nothing. (And of course I realize that not ALL Islamic people are war minded, but a vast majority are). Though I know Mallouhi has the best intent in mind, she cannot change the fact that women are treated highly different in a Muslim world, and the words she shares in this book to help Christians not “offend” Muslims shows just how different. I was upset that this book was designed to inform Christians of cultural differences to help them to be sensitive to these things for better outreach and not to offend yet turns around and makes comments on the Muslim views of foreigners and their own actions that are just as offensive to them. Muslim culture is not invisible to Westerners, it is simply different as is any culture not western. Offense will happen no matter what. I did not like this book. I felt that Mallouhi has a great heart for the Muslim people and outreach to them, which is a wonderful thing, but I hate to say she is living a lie. She is accepting customs and beliefs, practices and doctrines, of the people she is trying to save, rather than be “offensive” in any way. I am not saying we should purposely offend those of other religions, but we do not have to conform to their beliefs and practices to please them and gain an audience. There is no conforming for the Gospel. We are set apart, unlike the world, and we are His children going forth to share His Word. No compromises. Though I feel this book is a great exposure and informative read on the subject of Muslim culture, I do not recommend it for anything more than information.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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