Mountain Of Dreams

By: Mark R. Sosa

Be still my child, close your eyes and open your mind to a world of endless possibilities. Can you feel the soft wind blow across your face atop this Mountain Of Dreams? Come closer, yes, sit right here on the edge. A little scary, huh! Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Now open your eyes and take in the splendor of the scenery I have created for you. Be in awe of its intricate detail, master craftsmanship, and breathtaking scenery. Can you see its pure innocence and overwhelming power?

Now, I would like to share something with you. This same craftsmanship that I used to create this beautiful place is the same as when I created you. I created you in My Image; your body was crafted in intricate detail. I am well pleased at what I have created in you. There has never been or ever will be a duplicate of you. I’ve created perfection the first time around. Please write these words within your heart.

Now as your eyes try to find where this part of the world ends, it can’t and never will. I have given it all to you to experience.

Remember this, my child, all things are permissible but not all are beneficial. When faith dwells within the soul, all things are made possible, only you can change your path on the road to dreams. In time with patience and persistence you will reach that finish line. So few know this place I speak of called the Mountain of Dreams. They have set boundaries in their minds and are captives to their own fears. I’m here for you always with only the best in mind. Test me in this and I will return to you faithful and true.

Now please stand up and start to dream my child. Each morning I will look for you here atop the Mountain Of Dreams. Pray Hard – Fear Not

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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