The Names Of God

by Trisha Bridges Smith


a faithful God who does no wrong, a forgiving God, a fortress of Salvation, a glorious crown, a jealous and avenging God, a Master in heaven, a refuge for his people, a refuge for the needy in his distress, a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge for the poor, a sanctuary, a shade from the heat, a shelter from the storm, a source of strength, a stronghold in times of trouble, architect and builder, builder of everything, commander of the Lord’s army, Creator of heaven and earth, defende of widows, eternal King, Father, Father of compassion, Father of our spirits, Father of the heavenly lights, father to the fatherless, God, God Almighty (El Sabaoth), God Almighty (El Shaddai), God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, God Most High, God my Maker, God my Rock, God my Savior, God my stronghold, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God of all comfort, God of all mankind, God of glory, God of gods, God of grace, God of hope, God of love and peace, God of peace, God of retribution, God of the living, God of the spirits of all mankind, God of truth, God our strength, God over all the kingdoms of the earth, God the Father, God who avenges me, God wwho gives endurance and encouragement, God who relents from sending calamity, great and awesome God, great and powerful God, great miighty and awesome God, he who blots out your transgressions, he who comforts you, he who forms the hearts of all, he who raised Christ from the dead, he who reveals his thoughts to man, Helper of the fatherless, him who is able to do imeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, him who is able to keep you from falling, him who is ready to judge the living and the dead, Holy Father, Holy One, Holy One among you, I AM, I AM WHO I AM, Jealous, Judge of all the earth, King of glory, King of heaven, living and true God, Lord (Adonai), Lord Almighty, Lord in Peace, Lord (Jehovah), Lord Most High, Lord my Banner, Lord my Rock, Lord of all the earth, Lord of heaven and earth, Lord of kings, Lord our God, Lord our Maker, Lord our Shield, Lord who heals you, Lord who is there, Lord who makes you holy, Lord who strikes the blow, Lord will provide, love, maker of all things, Maker of heaven and earth, Most High, my advocate, my Comforter in sorrow, my confidence, my help, my helper, my hiding place, my hope, my light, my mighty rockm, my refuge in the day of disaster, my refuge in times of trouble, my song, my strong deliverer, my support, One to be feared, only wise God, our dwelling place, our judge, our lawgiver, our leader, our Mighty One, Our Redeemer, our refuge and strength, Righteous Father, righteous judge, Rock of our salvation, Shephed, Sovereign Lord, the Almighty, the compassionate and gracious God, the Eternal God, the comsuming fire, the everlasting God, the exalted God, the faithful God, the gardener (husbandman), the glorious Father, the Glory of Israel, the God who saves me, the God who sees me, the great King above all gods, the just and mighty One, the living Father, the Majestic Glory, the Majesty in heaven, the one who sustains me, the only God, the potter, the rock in whom I take refuge, the spring of living water, the strength of my heart, the true God, you who hear prayer, you who judge righteously and test the heart and mind, you who keep your covenant of love with your servants, you who love the people, your glory, your praise, your very great reward.


a banner for the peoples, a Nazarene, all, Alpha and Omega, Ancient of Days, Annointed One, apostle and high priest, author and perfecter of our faith, author of life, author of their salvation, blessed and only Ruler, Branch of the Lord, bread of God, bread of life, bridegroom, cheif cornerstone, Cheif Shepherd, chosen and precious cornerstone, Christ Jesus my Lord, Christ Jesus our hope, Christ of God, consolation of Israel, covenant for the people, crown of splendor, eternal life, Faithful and True, faithful and true witness, first to rise from the dead, firstborn from among the dead, firstborn over all creation, firstfruits of those that have falen asleep, fragrant offering and sacrifice to God, friend of tax collectors and sinners, God of all the earth, God over all, God’s Son, great high priest, great light, great Shepherd of the sheep, guarantee of a better covenant, he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world, he who searches hearts and minds, head of every man, head of the body the church, head of the church, head over every power and authority, heir of all things, him who died and came to life again, him who loves us and has freed us from our sins, his one and only Son, Holy and Righteous one, Holy One of God, holy servant Jesus, hope of Israel, horn of salvation, image of the invisible God, Immanuel (God with us), indescribable gift, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ our Lord, Jesus Christ our Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, judge of the living and the dead, KING OF KINGS, Lamb of God, light for revelation to the Gentiles, light of life, light of men, light of the world, living bread that came down from heaven, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Lord (Kurios), Lord of glory, LORD OF LORDS, Lord of peace, Lord of the harvest, Lord of the Sabbath, Lord (Rabboni), man accredited by God, man of sorrows, Master, Mediator of a new covenant, merciful and faithful high priest, messenger of the covenent, Messiah, morning star, my friend, my intercessor, one who makes men holy, one who speaks to the Father in our defense, one who willarise to rule over the nations, our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, our only Sovereign and Lord, our Passover Lamb, our peace, our righteousness holiness and redemption, Physician, Prince and Savior, Prince of Peace, Prince of princes, prince of the hosts, ransom for all men, refiner and purifier, resurrection and the life, righteous Judge, righteous man, Righteous One, Rock eternal (rock of ages), ruler of God’s creation, ruler of the kings of the earth, Savior of the World, second man, Shepherd and overseer of your souls, Son of Man, Son of the Blessed One, Son of the living God, Son of the most High God, Source of eternal salvation, sure foundation, Teacher, the Amen, the atoning sacrifice for our sins, the Beginning and the End, the bright Morning Star, the exact representation of his being, the First and the Last, the gate (door), the good shepherd, the Head, the last Adam, the life, the Living One, the living Stone, the Lord Our Righteousness, the man from heaven, the man Jesus Christ, the most holy, the One and Only, the only God our Savior, the radiance of God’s glory, the rising of the sun(Dayspring), the stone the builders rejected, the testimony given in its proper time, the true light, the true vine, the truth, the way, the Word (logos), true bread from heaven, wisdom from God, witness to the peoples, Wonderful Counselor, Word of life, your life, your salvation.


a deposit (earnest), another Counselor, breath of the Almighty, Holy One, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit of God, seal, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of counsel and of power, spirit of faith, spirit of fire, spirit of glory, spirit of God, spirit of grace and supplication, Spirit of his Son, spirit of holiness, spirit of Jesus Christ, spirit of judgement, spirit of justice, spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord, Spirit of life, Spirit of our God, Spirit of Sonship (adoption), Spirit of the Living God, Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of the Sovereign Lord, Spirit of truth, Spirit of widsom and of understanding, Spirit of wisdom and revelation, the gift, the promised Holy Spirit, the same gift, Voice of the Almighty, Voice of the Lord.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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