Interview with Comedian Nazareth

Interview by Trisha Bleau Smith

T4J: How did your ministry form? What led you to become a Christian Comedian?

N: “Prior to becoming a Christian I used to perform at Comedy Clubs in Hollywood and around the Nation. I used to work dirty and use all the words that would get me laughs. I didn’t really see anything wrong with it…I got laughs.” However after becoming a Christian, I no longer wanted to perform such material, as a matter of fact I wanted to quit the comedy business all together. “I didn’t see how God could use my talents to demonstrate what being a Christian is all about.”

Then one day after church, the Pastor approached me and said “we should get a group of people to come and see you perform.” “I didn’t have a problem with that because I had totally changed my act. But I was concerned that members of my church would certainly feel uncomfortable with the other comics. At that point I suggested to my pastor we should have a Christian comedy night at the church. After a month of planning the show was a total success, after only planning for an audience size of about 150 people for the first show, 450 people attended. God confirmed to me that night that this is what He wants me to do, and that’s how the ministry started.

T4J: Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten? The future?

N: Heaven I hope, if not….In five years I see myself in a Family type Sitcom on a National Network. Also performing at Big Festivals and Arena’s around the country.

In Ten years I would like to conduct Great Comedy Crusades and Conferences…

The Future……I know I will never retire so hopeful performing at any stage that has a ramp for my walker……

T4J: Do you ever worry about getting caught up in the world of show biz? That success will change you?

N: Do I ever worry?… Yes,. Always. That’s why I have to remain focus on the Lord and what He wants for me. That’s why Church attendance and a daily study of the Bible are essentials.

Will success change me? No, because I believe God will not give us more than we can handle. If I do change, I will send you your money back….Ha

T4J: What kind of relationship do you maintain with your audiences? Do you fellowship with them? Or do you remain distant as the performer?

N: I’m very personable, I love people and If the opportunity comes I would love to fellowship with them. Always make myself available after the show for my fans, and they all know my e-mail and web address and I continue to chat with them.

T4J: What is the message you’re trying to get across with your comedy? Do you purposely try the share Jesus in every venue or are you there to make them laugh first and foremost?

N: My message is “Jesus has changed my life.” I’m a new creation in Him. I’m so happy to be considered His child. This is available to all. Do I purposely try to share Jesus in every venue…No I don’t purposely but I do in every performance I spent time with Him prior to the show? We don’t have to purposely share Him but He will reveal Himself in our conduct. Many times people come to me after a show at a Comedy Club and they say, I’m a Christian too I asked them how they found out since I never shared that on stage, and they tell me we can tell….. So The answer is yes. Laughter is important and that is my first and foremost purpose when I’m hired as a Comedian. If I don’t make them laugh then they will disqualify me as an Entertainer and they will not listen to anything else I say, but when they’re laughing so hard and loving my show then they will keep their wall down and listen to what I believe.

T4J: Were you a class clown as a kid?

N: No. I made fun if the class clown in school. I’m a very dramatic person with a crooked look on life. I don’t try to be funny, but If I think of something funny, I will share it regardless … and that gets me in more trouble than a clown would.

T4J: What is the biggest thing you have learned from performing and ministering through Comedy?

N: I learned that Comedy is one of the most powerful tools to reach people for Christ and to get the message across. Like Mark Twain said It is a man’s most effective weapon.

T4J: Do you ever criticized for your job?

N: Yes, First from my family when I started. They didn’t think I can make money from Comedy. That’s gone. Also couple of newspaper did some bad reviews on one of my shows and It was unfair and I contacted them about it and they were very unprofessional about it. I’m not mad….Jerks… but other than that all of the media reviews where great.

T4J: Do you write your comedy before you perform or do you wing it on stage?

N: I have never met a professional Comedian or a speaker who wings it on stage the entire program or show. All of my material is prepared but I do allow myself about 10 – 20 minutes each concert to wing it and ad-lib and play with the audience.

T4J: Who are some of the people you have performed with and what did you think of them?

N: Audio Adrenaline: Excellence in performance Mark is a great guy. Love ya man
Jennifer Knapp: A Class of her own, very humble and sweet. Great voice
Josh McDowell: One of the best speakers. What you see is what you get.
The Katinas: Wonderful guys.
B.B. King: Wonderful man
The Righteous Brothers: Bill and Bob are wonderful Entertainers.

T4J: Are you involved in your home church? What role do you have there?

N: I’m very involved with my home church. I was the youth pastor for over two years. Then I have to leave it because of all my travel. I’m also one of the elders there….

T4J: What kind of support do you get from your family? your church? from your community as a whole?

N: My family is very supportive of what I do. They got adjusted to all the traveling I do. My church is very supportive of what I do. and the Christian Radio Stations here in Southern California like KKLA and the FISH support me a lot.

T4J: Do you have advice to give to the youth of our world?

N: I want to give every person an imaginary Button It is an escape button, on it it writes 1 Cor. 10:13 “There is no temptation that is new to man, but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what your can handle but in the temptation He will provide you with a way of escape that you might be able to handle it.”

Next time you’re tempted to do something wrong or view something unholy push that button and remeber there’s always a way of escape.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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