Book Review: Neighbor, Love Yourself

Title: Neighbor, Love Yourself
Subtitle: Discover Your Value, Live Your Worth
Author:  Bryan Crum
Publisher:  Waterbrook
Date:  June 2024
Pages: 197
ISBN: 9780593600993
Category: Christian Living/ Self-Help
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Review by: Trisha Smith


Love yourself. To me, that is challenging. I have always known God loves me and died for me. But loving myself? That has never been a strong point for me. This was definitely a book written specifically for my needs. God brought it across my desk to give me some healing, I think. It was hard to read at times as I went through the process of changing my thinking. I loved how author Bryan Crum brought things to life with stories that highlighted whatever spiritual truths he sought to share. They made for engaging chapters, easily relatable and the perfect way to introduce concepts or reinforce points. I admire authors who can so flawlessly tell stories the way Crum does, helping to draw readers in and maintaining their attention as they then teach the cocnepts that might otherwise have seemed boring or academic. At the end of each chapter is a well designed chapter reflection that quickly summarizes the main points in a few sentences and then provides a handful of questions for personal response. These questions are where I found myself challenged and where my own growth occurred. They are not something that should be skipped or glossed over because that is most likely where the biggest benefit lies. And it is probably going to help readers get the most out of it, which is why they pick up the book in the first place. Very well done, well written book that offers immense promise to those looking to grow spiritually.

About Trisha Smith 1158 Articles
I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and leader, a child of God, chosen, loved, redeemed. Check out the ministry's history and my involvement in the About section.

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